


The I-Kuan Tao Changzhou Group Changhua Temple Development Curse Summary




鍾權煌(Chuan-Huang Chung)


一貫道 ; 常州組 ; 宗教研究 ; 宗教地理 ; 口述歷史 ; 彰化地區發展 ; The I-Kuan Tao ; ChangZhou Group ; Religious Studies ; Religious Geography ; oral history ; Changhua I-Kuan Tao Division development




15期(2009 / 01 / 01)


183 - 197




一貫道在台灣發展已經超過一甲子,自1945年日本戰敗,國民黨政府接手台灣的治權,在中國發展的一貫道,陸續前來台灣開拓道務,但是一貫道來台灣拓展道務,卻面臨國民黨政權的打壓,只能祕密發展,避免被政府取締。1987年內政部同意一貫道合法化,自此一貫道能夠合法的公開推動道務。 一貫道常州組在台灣的發展,以徐昌大為主要的負責人,目前的領導前人是顧愛珩。常州組來台以台南為發展據點,從台南市擴展到全台灣,目前也已發展到全球五大洲,而彰化道場,是屬於台灣道場的一部分,自1970年代開始在彰化縣市發展道務,十多年後得到徐昌大的同意,將彰化道場單獨成為一個獨立負責的道場,徐昌大過世後,道務發展組織重整,彰化道場同樣符合顧愛珩對於設立道場的條件,於是彰化道場遂發展到至今。彰化道場的發展特色,除了興建公共佛堂外,特別的是以壇號為名向內政部申請設立「中華宏德慈善會」,推動淨化人心、提倡孝道等工作。 目前一貫道的研究當中,大部分都是以一貫道各組別為研究單位,本研究擬採較為微觀的方式,以一貫道常州組彰化道場的發展為研究對象,分析一貫道常州組彰化道場的發展歷程,以及彰化道場發展的特色。


The I-Kuan Tao sect developed in Taiwan already surpasses the sixty year cycle, Japan defeated from 1945, Kuomintang Government took over Taiwan's governing power, developed the I-Kuan Tao sect in China, came Taiwan to develop a service one after another, but the I-Kuan sect came Taiwan to develop a service, faced the Kuomintang political power to hit the pressure actually, only could the secret development, avoid by the government banning.In 1987 the Ministry of Interior agreed with the I-Kuan Tao sect legalization, from now on the I-Kuan Tao sect will be able to legitimate public impetus service. The I-Kuan Tao sect Changzhou group in Taiwan's development, take Xu Changda as the main person in charge, at present leads the predecessor is Gu Aihang. The Changzhou group comes Taiwan as to develop the foothold take Tainan, expands from Taina to the entire Taiwan, at present also has developed the global five continents, but the Changhua I-Kuan Tao division, belongs to a Taiwan Buddhist temple part, started from 1970 ages in a Changhua County city development service, after more than ten years obtained the Xu Changda agreement, the Changhua I-Kuan Tao division alone will become an independence responsible I-Kuan Tao division, after Xu Changda passed away, said the service development organization rallied, the Changhua I-Kuan Tao division conformed to Gu Aihang similarly regarding condition, therefore the Changhua I-Kuan Tao division then develops until now. The Changhua IKuan Tao division development characteristic, besides the constructing public hall for worshipping buddha, special is applies take the world number as to the Ministry of Interior to set up ”the Chinese great Germany charitable meeting”, impels work and so on purification will of the people, advocate filial piety. At present middle I-Kuan Tao sect's research, majority of all is take I-Kuan Tao sect each group as the research unit, this research plan to pick the comparatively microscopic way, take the I-Kuan Tao sect Changzhou group Changhua I-Kuan Tao division development as the object of study, analyzes the I-Kuan Tao sect Changzhou group Changhua I-Kuan Tao division the development course, as well as Changhua I-Kuan Tao division development characteristic.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合