


"The Mother and Child", "The Ravine" and "The Running Water": A Research about the Archetype of the Great Mother and the Female Images in "Lao Tzu"




陳昌遠(Chang-Yuan Chen)


老子 ; 大母神The Great Mother ; 雌性意象 ; 原型Archetype ; 集體無意識Collective Unconsciousness ; Lao Tzu ; The Great Mother ; female image ; Archetype ; Collective Unconsciousness




20期(2006 / 12 / 01)


141 - 160




《老子》建構了道家思想的核心架構,多次運用「母」、「子」、「水」、「江」、「海」或「谿」、「谷」之類的語彙作為「道」的具體描述,歷來有關老子對雌性或陰性詞語的運用,已多能加以注意其意義,認為這是其比喻技巧的重要特色,這類詞語的集中運用有其特別的意義。從對這些比喻技巧運用的分析來加深對老子「道論」思想內容的理解與詮釋,確有討論空間。 劉笑敢綜結前人論點,提出「文化象徵符號」,其解讀深具創發性與現代性,但對其的內容與意義則未進一步發揮。本文希望將眼光跨出傳統哲學思想的領域之外,就能對「文化象徵符號」的內容與意義作出補充,使其得到心理學上的落實,證實其解釋的合理性與完滿性。 本文先將《老子》書中幾個重要的雌性語彙:「母子」、「流水」以及「谿谷」,依其所展現的「道─物」關係分為「創生」與「返復」。配合分析心理學家諾伊曼(Erich Neumann,1905~1960) 的研究成果-大母神原型(archetype of the Great Mother)理論,說明這些雌性比喻語彙的運用與人類意識發展的各個階段之間的關係,而這些語彙的運用正是大母神原型意象在意識層的具體表現。從人類意識發展的角度分析,則《老子》一書的寫作,在意識的層面上雖未以雌性意象為意,但就其中顯露出來的集體無意識(Collective Unconsciousness)的投射部分,則讓我們看到人類不同的意識表現下,所可能深藏的相同或相近的集體無意識的部分,而這部分是更為根源性的心理動力成分,形塑成了人類所有神話與藝術作品中的各種象徵性表達。


”Lao Tzu” has constructed the core of the Taoism thought. He utilized vocabularies such as ”the mother”, ”the son”, ”the water”, ”the river”, ”the sea”, ”the brook” or ”the valley” to describe ”the Dao” concrete. Researchers have recognized the importance of the utilization to the negative words in ”Lao Tzu” and attended to its significance. They thought that is an important characteristic in its analogical skill. This kind of words and expressions centralism utilization had its special significance. It is a good way to deepen the understanding and the annotation about the ideological content of ”the Dao theory” by analyses these analogy skill and utilization. This is still need to discuss more. Prof. Liu Hsiao-gan synthesized the predecessor argument, proposed a theory named ”the cultural symbol mark”. His reading and interpretation about ”Lao Tzu” is so creative and full of modernity. It is a pity that Prof. Liu did not get a further display to its content and the significance. This article hoped steps outside the traditional philosophy thought so that we can make the supplement to the theory about it's content and significance. We also enable it to obtain in the psychology the realization, confirms its explanation rationality and the round perfection. First I divided several important female vocabularies such as ”The mother and child”, ”the running water” as well as ”the ravine” into ”creates lives” and ”returns duplicate”, according to the relations between ”the Dao” and ”the Thing”. Coordinating the theory about greatly female god prototype (archetype of the Great Mother), the results from the Analyzes Psychologist Prof. Neumann (1905~1960), I want to show the relationship between the utilization to these female analogy vocabularies and the development of the human consciousness in each times. The utilization to these vocabularies precisely manifested concretely the image of greatly female god prototype in the consciousness.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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