


Preliminary Study of Ou Yi Zhi Xu's the Interpretation of Great Learning: Denoting Immediately the Ultimate Source of Soul (Da Xue Zhi Zhi)




蔡金昌(Chin-Chang Tsai)


蕅益 ; 智旭 ; 大學直指 ; 大乘起信論 ; 本覺 ; 轉識成智 ; Ou Yi ; Zhi Xu ; The Interpretation of Great Learning: Denoting immediately the ultimate source of soul Da Xue Zhi Zhi ; On Believing of All Existential Mind Da Sheng Qi Xin Lun ; Sanskrit: Mahāyānaśraddhotpā




21期(2007 / 06 / 01)


253 - 272




自宋朝朱熹《四書集注》問世之後,《四書》受到士人相當的重視,對於《四書》義解的作品也愈發繁多,其中不乏佛教僧人的著作,明末清初的蕅益智旭所著《四書蕅益解》即是其中之一。 智旭的《四書蕅益解》是透過對《四書》的解釋來宣揚佛教道理,智旭直言他的寫作動機是為了彰顯佛教的「第一義諦」,因此他的義解方式與儒者解釋《四書》的脈絡迥異。本文即就智旭《四書蕅益解》當中的《大學直指》為研究對象,分析智旭如何將孔門〈大學〉的義理與佛教心性之學聯繫起來。


The Four Books(Si Shu)was attached great importance to literati and officialdom from Selected Commentary of the Four Books(Si Shu Ji Zhu)edited by Zhu Xi during the Song Dynasty was published. Among the increasingly works of the interpretation on the Four Books there is no lack of Buddhist monks' ones; Ou Yi Zhi Xu, lived between the late Ming Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, whose Ou Yi's Interpretation on the Four Books(Si Shu Ou Yi Jie)is one of the works. Zhi Xu's Ou Interpretation on the Four Books(Si Shu Ou Yi Jie)was written for preaching Buddhism by interpreting the Four Books, he says directly that his motive of writing is to clarify the Buddhist ”Primary Real Principle”(Di Yi Yi Di); consequently, his interpretation is widely different from Confucian thread of thought. This essay will take The Interpretation of Great Learning: Denoting immediately the ultimate source of soul (Da Xue Zhi Zhi)-part of Ou Yi's Interpretation on the Four Books (Si Shu Ou Yi Jie)-as an object of study, and analyze how Zhi Xu connected the significance of Confucian Great Learning (Da Xue) with Buddhist study on essence of soul.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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