


From Pavilion Poetess of the Boudoir to Public Torchbearer-Regard Argumentation in Assay of the Modern Women's Newspapers and Periodicals




羅秀美(Hsiu-Mei Luo)


近代文學 ; 晚清文學 ; 女性報刊 ; 女性文學 ; 女性散文 ; Modern literature ; late Qing literature ; women newspapers and periodicals ; women literature ; woman's prose




22期(2007 / 12 / 01)


1 - 46




傳統才女大多為專擅詩詞的「女詩人」,女散文家及小說家鮮少出現;而現今卻是女散文家及小說家當道的時代。此一現象的轉變與近代女性報刊在文學史上所扮演的地位有相當關聯。由女性創辦與編寫的報刊,往往也扮演了鼓勵女性書寫散文及小說的功能(本文暫不討論小說部分)。其中又以呼應時事的論說文為最值得注意的「新興」文類。本文即由此脈絡出發,探究女性文學現象與報刊研究結合的可能性。所謂女性報刊指的是由女性創辦與編輯、主筆者。諸多女性報刊登載由女性所創作的散文,她們不只發出自己的聲音,也逐漸形塑出女性創作詩詞以外文類的可能性。此外,以「公共空間」(public sphere)與「文學場域」(literary field)做為知識女性切身空間轉變的概念說明,以鉤沉近代女性如何走出私密空間進入報刊這樣的公共空間/文學場域中發聲,以發掘近代女性報刊對現當代女性散文創作的開發之功。


'the poetess' of the mostly traditional accomplished ladies in order to usurp authority poesy, family and novelist seldom present woman prose; It is woman prose house and novel era, family belongings of dish to be contemporary. The transition of this phenomenon and modern status acted in the history of literature of women's newspapers and periodicals are analogous to the relation. The newspapers and periodicals established and written by women, have often acted and encouraged women to write the function of the prose and novel (this text wouldn't discuss the part of the novel). Among them in order to echo the argumentations of current events for most noteworthy' new developing gentle kind'. Namely therefore the train of thought sets out in this text, probe into women's literature phenomenon and newspapers and periodicals and study the possibility combined. The so-called women's newspapers and periodicals mean that is established with the editor, main author by women. A great deal of women's newspapers and periodicals publish the prose created by women, they not merely emit one's own sound, mould out women and create the gentle possibility of kind beyond the poesy gradually too. In addition, the concept of changing for the personal space of professional women is explained with' the field land of literature ' (literary field) with' the public space' (public sphere), how to go out of the private dense space to enter such a public space of newspapers and periodicals/sound in the field land of literature to sink modern women with the hook, work of development of creating the prose to contemporary women in order to explore the modern women's newspapers and periodicals.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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