


A Research at Ou-Yi's "Analects Dien Jing" (Intimation of Analects)




鄭雅芬(Yia-Fen Cheng)


蕅益 ; 智旭 ; 論語點睛 ; 儒佛會通 ; Ou-Yi ; Chi-Shü ; Intimation of Analects ; Integration Between Confucian And Buddhism




23期(2008 / 06 / 01)


119 - 154






This Paper is an attempt at analyzing the Buddhism Pope Ou-Yi's ”Analects Dien Jing” (Intimation of Analects), and especially focus on those contents connected to Confucian and Buddhism simultaneously. Besides, the form Ou-Yi uses to annotate and criticize Analects is also an attempt for this paper. As a conclusion, the research found that Ou-Yi quoted lots of predecessors' annotations in his annotations, and what he quoted mostly came from the Wang Yang Ming scholars. Consequently, we may say that Wang Yang Ming's theory should be a trifle close to dhyana and Buddhism. Opinions of Grha-patis (Un-tonsured Buddhists) who are regarded having practiced and verified well in Buddhism also appears in Ou-Yi's annotations. By which we will realize Ou-Yi's elaborative expectation of attaining enlightenment to human beings through Confucian writings. As a ancillary annotation to which he quoted, Ou-Yi used the style of writing ”The Buddhism chronologer says” to express his own appreciation and enlightenment. From which shows a character that Ou-Yi adapts the excellence of predecessors' writings, and judge them by his own appreciation. Through the way he criticize Buddhism and Confucian, Ou-Yi presents his enlightenment and verifying in mind. He regards Buddhism the ultimate perfect wisdom and learning, while Confucian is just a step people can use to manage human lives. By the same token, he annotates ”Zen (Meditation)” by ”tathāgatagarbha (all phenomena dependent upon and due to)”, ”Learning” by ”bodhi (Real appreciation and enlightenment)”, and uses the viewpoint of ”Round Doctrine” (the perfect teaching) as the base of realizing Analects. He attempts to lead people into Buddhism and become Buddha finally. Accordingly, He annotates Confucian by Buddhism and integrates these two schools while by this way he can lead Confucian to Buddhism.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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