


Political Thoughts and Practice of "Wu Wei Er Zhi" in Wei Jin Xuan Xue




馬行誼(Hsing-Yi Ma)


魏晉玄學 ; 無為而治 ; 政治哲學 ; Wei Jin Xuan Xue Wei Jin metaphysics ; Wu Wei Er Zhi to govern by doing nothing that goes against nature ; Political Philosophy




23期(2008 / 06 / 01)


155 - 181






”Wu Wei Er Zhi” (to govern by doing nothing that goes against nature) was the ideal world that traditional Chinese political thoughts expected to achieve. Schools of Confucianism, Taoism, and Law all proposed their own thoughts toward it since pre-Qin dynasty. Time to Qin and Han, ”Huang Lao Zhi Zue,” that thinkers fused various schools not only provided nutrition to the idea of ”Wu Wei Er Zhi” but also constructed the ideal political structure of newly risen empire. Metaphysicians in Wei Jin tagged along behind the predecessors to examine the maladministration in the time and then integrated various schools' thoughts of ”Wu Wei Er Zhi” in the sense of Taoism. Furthermore, they developed brand new system of thoughts and expected to be the reference of rulers in the trouble times. The study discussed the political thoughts and practice of ”Wu Wei Er Zhi” in Wei Jin metaphysicians in four aspects: background of ”Wu Wei Er Zhi,” theory foundation of ”Wu Wei Er Zhi,” attitudes and actions of a liege lord, and relationship of ”You Wei” (doing something) and ”Wu Wei” (doing nothing). However, due to the scholarly characteristics of metaphysics, scholarly thoughts did not connect to politics in the reality, no matter ”Gue Wu” of Ho Yen and Wang Bi, ”Blueprint of Wu Wei Er Zhi” of Ji Kang and Ruan Ji, and ”Ontology of human nature” of Guo Xiang ever tried. In addition, metaphysicians only made an announcement in a matter of principle and discussed the values behind the phenomenon, even they mentioned the attitudes and actions of a liege lord and relationship of ”You wei' and ”Wu Wei.” Therefore, researchers could only name it as political philosophy or thoughts but not compare as a nation ruled by schools of Confucianism and Law. However, the proposition of ”Wu Wei Er Zhi” of metaphysicians was rich and in depth, and it represented the immortal merit of political references which should be valued.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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