


The Narrative Structure of Wen Tianxiang's "Collection Du Poem" and the Acceptance of the Du Poem




王家琪(Chia-Chie Wang)


文天祥 ; 集句 ; 集杜詩 ; Wen Tian-xiang ; poem made up of lines from various poets ; The Collection Du Poem




23期(2008 / 06 / 01)


207 - 233




有宋一代,杜甫享譽日盛,終成顯學。宋人尊奉杜甫為「詩聖」,讀杜、學杜、論杜、注杜、評點杜詩成為社會風氣。在眾多學杜文人中,文天祥運用「集句」的體制,擷取杜甫五言詩句,運用著它記錄宋末興亡的國家歷史,以及他個人生平遭逢的自傳式血淚史,成《集杜詩》二百首。因為文天祥的集杜,使集句詩自此擺脫遊戲筆墨,成為一種嚴肅的創作活動;也因為他對杜詩的接受與學習,《集杜詩》成為繼杜詩之後,一部堪稱宋末社會縮影的詩史。 本文先從文天祥《集杜詩》的敘事結構與內容,探討《集杜詩》的體制、內容、創作動機與結構,看文天祥如何以杜詩語言轉為自己的創作媒材,有機的建構二百首集句詩;其次,探討文天祥《集杜詩》對杜詩之接受與學習。


In Song dynasty, Du Fu enjoys a good reputation and becomes the famous doctrine finally. Song people respects Du Fu as ”the poem Saint”, reads Du, to study Du, to discuss Du, note Du, to critically punctuate the Du poem to become the social convention. In the numerous study Du writers, Wen Tianxiang uses system of ”poem made up of lines from various poets”, picks up the Du Fu five syllable verse, utilizes it to record at the end of the Song's history, and he one's life autobiography tragic experience history that meet with, becomes ”the Collection Du Poem” 200. Because of Wen Tianxiang's collection Du, will enable the poem to get rid of the game words from now on, will become one kind of serious creation; Also because he with studies and acceptance to Du poem, ”the Collection Du Poem” becomes the end of the Song society miniature the poetry of historical significance after the Du poem. This article first from the narrative structure and the content of Wen Tianxiang's ”Collection Du Poem”, discuss ”the Collection Du Poem” the system、 the content、 the creation motive and the structure, to see how Wen Tianxiang does transfer his creation intermediary material by the Du poem language, organic construction 200 poem poems; Next, discusses Wen Tianxiang ”the Collection Du Poem” with studies to acceptance of the Du poem.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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