


The Anthologizing and Criticizing of Classical Chinese Poetry and It's Canon Formation




王萬象(Wan-Hsiang Wang)


選本批評 ; 典律化 ; 讀者反應 ; 唐人選唐詩 ; 唐宋詞選評 ; The Anthologist as Critic ; Canonization ; Reader's Response ; The Anthologies of T'ang Poetry by the T'ang People ; The Anthologizing and Criticism of T'ang and Sung Lyrics




23期(2008 / 06 / 01)


263 - 309




古典詩詞選集的功能是網羅眾作薈萃菁華,在編纂的過程中選家藉以判定優劣,因此具有文學批評的價值。選家如欲求「平理若衡,照辭如鏡」,當然得博觀典籍英華,超越個人的愛憎輕重,在編選的過程當中,以個人宏觀的眼力、理論的素養和史家的氣魄,來綜輯詞藻。當然,在選本中讀者可見選家的美學主張,而選本的存在價值、作者在選本中的地位和讀者所受選本之影響,也往往繫於選家之手。選家操選政不易,他們為何而選、又選些什麼,與如何來選就成為關鍵所在。選家之文學圖繪容或各有所偏,但畢竟也曾為其時代造像,直接參與文學典律的對話,而難以數計的各種文學選集,其實也就是這種典律化過程中的主要媒介和表達方式。 余寶琳認為中國文學選集有助於經典之形成,尤其是詩歌選評與典律化的密切關係,她注意到選評者如何為詩歌定位,亦指出其歷史現象與問題癥結。余氏的幾篇英文論文深入分析此一議題,特別是古代文士怎樣編選詩歌要籍,除了分析古典詩詞的品第和編集,她還曾經過研究詩歌如何典律化,例如文學選評與經典觀,和毛詩注之寓意探討等相關問題。此外,余氏亦撰寫專文探討歷來詞集綜輯編選的諸多問題,特別強調在詞之典律化的過程中,除了注意詞評、詞籍保存與詞作的接受,我們也應當注意詞人怎樣填詞,以及不同的讀者如何讀解詞作。綜上所述,本文旨在探討中國選本批評原理、古典詩詞的選評、中國詩詞「典律化」與讀者反應,以及余寶琳對中國詩詞典律化的相關研究。


The function of many anthologies of classical Chinese poetry is to collect numerous works and gather together essentials. In the process of compilation, anthologists can evaluate poetic texts and thus proclaim their aesthetic standards. To judge impartially, anthologists must have broad experience and learning, and be free from individual preconceived evaluations and prejudices. Certainly, readers may understand each anthologist's aesthetic assertions, the position of poet in the anthology, the influences of anthology on readers, and the reason why particular anthology can last forever. It is difficult to anthologize classical Chinese poetry, especially concerning the issues such as why these anthologists collect poetic works, what they usually pick up for their blooms, and how they gather together different texts. Therefore, many anthologists had already dialogued with each other about tremendous poetic oeuvre through varied times. In fact, uncountable poetic anthologies in pre-modern China had shown the canon formation and recapitulate the literary value of different milieu. Pauline Yu, a leading scholar in North-American Sinological circle, believes that Chinese literary anthologies may help canon formation, particularly the collection and criticism of poetry relates to its canonization. She has written several articles about the problems of anthologizing and evaluating Chinese poetic works, and also presents to us a balanced and mature idea of poetic canon. In this paper, I will discuss the following issues: (1) the principle of Chinese compiler's anthologizing as critique; (2) the anthologizing and criticism of classical Chinese poetry; (3) canon formation in traditional Chinese poetry and reader's response; (4) Pauline Yu's study of collections and canon in classical Chinese poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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