


Comment on the Image of the Personages in the Lee Chi's Association Poems and Their Historical Value




李建崑(Chien-Kun Lee)


李頎 ; 交往詩 ; 人物形象 ; LEE CHI ; association poems ; image of personages




23期(2008 / 06 / 01)


97 - 118




所謂「交往詩」,涵蓋酬贈、唱和、贈別,及文人間往來交涉各類型詩篇。在李頎八十多首交往詩中,以酬答、送別數量為多。 李頎在寫作交往詩時,有別於一般詩人之著重抒情、敘別;李頎喜描述往來友人之獨特性格、超凡襟抱與特異行徑,而且敘、寫兼行,富於典型義意;在人物形象描述方面,頗有特色。 通過本文考察,李頎之交往詩,以酬贈狂狷之士,最為突出。這些人物,大都生活在唐玄宗開元、天寶年間。透過李頎巧筆傳述,形神畢現、活躍眼前。其詩友事蹟豐富、生涯曲折者,李頎更是詳細鋪敘、不避瑣碎,其人格形象,更為凸顯。 通過李頎之交往詩,吾人不但可以賞鑑盛唐人物之美,部分詩篇所鋪陳之事蹟,更有助於中國文學史家對唐玄宗開元、天寶人物之察考;從而使這些詩篇,具有一定的文學史料價值。


The so-called ”Association poems” include all sorts of poems, such as the present for reward, the response, the present for send-off, and association with literati. In the more than 80 association poems of Lee Chi, most of them are as the present for reward and send-off. When Lee Chi was writing association poems, he was different from the other poets who put emphasis on lyric, farewell. Lee Chi was fond of portrayal of the unique character, outstanding aspirations and peculiar behavior of his associate friends. It was, moreover, good for both narration and writing, and was rich in typical meaning, with regard to the description of image of personages, it had a lot of characteristics. By means of the observation on this article, the most remarkable among Lee Chi's association poems was his reciprocation to the personages of idiosyncrasy, and most of these personages were in the Kaiyuan and Tienpao Ages of Tang Dynasty, their characteristics appeared vividly in the Lee Chi's description in writing and something like their presence. Furthermore, he described his friend poetry more detailed whose excellent accomplishment, bumpy career, and so he was not afraid of annoyance that the personage's image and personality were then more remarkable. From the Lee Chi's association poems, we may be appreciate the beauty of personages in the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty, besides, it is good for Chinese literary historian to observe and study the personages in Kaiyuan and Tienpao period in Tang Dynasty by medium of the accomplishments stated in some poems. In view of the reason mentioned above, these poems have certain literary history value.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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