


Blessing bird/misfortune's-bringing Bird: Try to Probe the Events of Family the Gods, They are the Emperor Yao, Shun, and the God of Chung Mountain




陳器文(Chi-Wen Chen)


神話 ; 山海經 ; 鳥 ; 羽人 ; 人變鳥 ; myth ; mountain-and-sea book ; bird ; a man dressed in bird wing ; a man metamorphosed into a bird




23期_S(2008 / 11 / 01)


95 - 122




神話角色中,鳥、魚和蛇素被視爲傳遞資訊的中介動物,而飛鳥體態靈活、羽色豐富多變且帶有情感的鳴叫聲,更被賦予溝通人神、預兆吉凶的特殊本領;尤可羨者在於鳥類振翅而飛、遨遊天際,所以鳥的雙翅,成爲具有符號性功能的連接意象,在神話世界中,有十分活躍的演出。 《山海經》中各種動物、人或神添上翅膀的造型固然不少,而魂魄如飛鳥、人死後化而爲鳥及稍後神仙家、道家嚮往的羽化成仙之境,亦可推原於《山海經》中鳥羽意象的各種連接。至於原始神話中多則隱蔽的父殺子的事件:如瞽叟之子舜衣「鳥工」、堯帝之子丹朱(讙頭)化爲鴸鳥、鍾山神之子鼓化而爲鵕、尹吉甫之子化爲伯勞鳥等,都以超自然的神話性語言,敘述一場令人驚恐神族家變。本文嘗試透過原始文化形象思維的特質,並以台灣原住民神話及雲南滄源崖畫「鳥形人」爲旁例,解讀「鳥形人」的質樸想像與「人變鳥」的原型意義。隨著飛鳥振翅在視覺以內,在視覺以外展延、消失的過程,探索親子人倫間的認同/異化、繼承/取代乃至自由/死亡的人文喻意。本篇論文主要議題如下: 一、前言-鳥羽意象的連接群 二、魂魄與飛鳥的類比 三、鳥形人與舜衣「鳥工」 四、神鳥/禍鳥-人化爲鳥的人文喻意 五、結論:人化爲鳥的原型及其置換


In myth, the actors as bird, fish, and snake are considered a animal for media to bring information. Birds have been given a skill to communicate men with the god, and to tell omen of blissful or misfortune by human being, for her carefree flying, multi-colored wings, and sentimental singing. We admire best the bird for her wings flapping and flying overhead to the sky, so as to her wings become a symbol that have men connect it (= her wings) with the heaven of imagination. There is pretty active performance which the wings would star. In ”mountain-and-sea book”, many of actors of myth come to as a still film way, being put wing on a variety of animals and the Gods; and many of imaginations in myth mind , in which the spirit is a flying bird simulator; a man is metamorphosed into a bird after passing away, and then fly to the land of immortal that becomes the best aspiration of the Taoist school; and many Professor, Department of Chinese Literature, National Chung Hsing University events of myth are about a man to become a bird, such as the son of the elder blind, dressed in with witch craft; the son of Yao to be metamorphosed into a man with the bird face and wings; the son of the Chung Mountain God to be done into a bird etc.; this paper tries to account for the both of the plain imaginations of ”bird man” and the prototype of ”a man dressed in with witch craft” on feeling the presence of making some thinking at images of the bird. This paper tries to probe the figurative expression of human being's affairs about identification between blood relations / catabolism, blissful / misfortune, liberty / death that comes in and through the process of birds' flapping across the sky unto being gone by and disappearance. I'll give skeleton to this paper as below: A. a preface-a set of images in bird-wing B. the spirit and the simulated bird at flying C. dressed in the simulation of bird-be anthropomorphic to man and man's simulation of bird D. bird man and a man dressed in with witch craft E. blessing bird/misfortune's-bringing bird-the figurative expression of human affairs, in a metamorphosis from man to bird

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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