


From the Viewpoints of Esthetics Discussthe Value of Skills in Calligraphy Handwriting




柯耀程(Yao-Cheng Ko)


筆法 ; 頓挫 ; 書法美學 ; techniques of calligraphy writing ; calligraphy handwriting ; calligraphy esthetics




24期(2008 / 12 / 01)


141 - 170




今人談書法藝術,往往著眼於藝術作品的視覺效果,而忽略對學理的探究,尤其西風東漸,書家急欲創新之際,往往大量引用西方美學觀點與技法付諸實驗,也因此與中國美學漸行漸遠。中國書法之所以能成為一門獨特的藝術,自有其特色及歷史淵源,若為求創新而將西方美學觀點及創作技巧套入中國書法,是否適宜,實值得商榷。 今觀書法作品的優劣,表面上雖取決於用筆、結體、章法等因素,然真正引領書法風格趨向及完美之境,乃取決於作者內在修為、學養及情感等因素,故談書法創作,若無中國美學、思想及情感做基礎,實難以達到真正創作的意涵。 書法線條不同於西方單一平板的線條,蓋毛筆尖、齊、圓、健的特性及書寫技巧,造就線條之大、小、粗、細、乾、溼、濃、淡等效果,而書法頓挫的運用,更是影響線條質感的要素。然從美學觀點而言,書法頓挫與美學有何關係及其於書法之表現有何價值,是本文探討的重點,期能透過本文之論述,梳理出頓挫於書法美學上的意義與價值。


The people of our time, while discussing calligraphy art, often focus on the visual effects of artistic work, but neglect inquiring into the scientific theory or principle .Gradually influenced by the western culture, calligraphers desire to make strenuous innovation, often massively quoting the western esthetic viewpoints and putting their techniques into the experiment; therefore, Chinese calligraphy arts are gradually separated from the Chinese esthetics. The Chinese calligraphy can become a unique art because of its own innate characteristics and historical origin. Is it suitable if we put, just based on the notions of innovation, western esthetics viewpoints and the artistic techniques into the Chinese calligraphy? This issue is really worth of discussion. Though we decide the calligraphy work based on its techniques of handwriting、 structures、and the content which presents itself, the truly leading calligraphy style into a perfect realm, however, is decided by the author's intrinsic cultivation, knowledge, and feelings. On discussion the creation of calligraphy, It's hard to achieve the true creation and innovation if Chinese esthetics, thoughts and emotions are ignored and not used as a basis. The handwriting of Chinese calligraphy is different from that of the Western. Based on characteristics of the tip of a brush-pen, such as its parallel, round and powerful qualities, and the written skills, the calligraphy work itself achieves the effects of fine arts, including the effects of big, small, thick, thin, dry, wet, dense, and light qualities. The utilization of the techniques in calligraphy handwriting is the essential factor to affect the curve of handwriting. However, from the viewpoints of esthetics, what are the relations between the calligraphy handwriting and esthetics? What kind of value does calligraphy handwriting present in the arts of Chinese calligraphy? These issues are the key points we are about to discuss in this thesis. Through the discussion of those above issues, we, hopefully, could find out the significance and the value of techniques in calligraphy handwriting in esthetics.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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