


The Chinese-American Scholars' Studies of Classical Chinese Poetry in North-America




王萬象(Wan-Hsiang Wang)


中西詩學對話 ; 抒情美典 ; 詩詞評賞 ; 女性闡釋 ; 跨語際批評家 ; Dialogue of Chinese-Western Poetics ; Lyrical Aesthetics ; The Criticism and Appreciation of Classical Chinese Poetry ; Feminist Interpretation ; The Interlingual Critic




24期(2008 / 12 / 01)


35 - 109




在此全球化的思維定勢之下,我們對北美華裔學者的中國古典詩研究應有一番了解,冀能對其研究方法和詩學闡發深入探討,並以之與兩岸三地的學者相互比較,俾便域外知音之言,可坐收攻錯之效。具體來說,北美的中國古典詩研究深具比較詩學色彩,這些華裔學者皆能嫻熟地運用各種西方文學理論,來從事中西比較詩學的工作,他們大都精通一種或多種文評方法,並援引為實際批評的參照系統,以為中西詩學對話的基礎。這些華裔學者身處中西文化之中,深諳兩種以上的語言文學和思想傳統,評斷世界詩文原本就需要比較互鑑,他們的論著往往別開生面,能自成一家之言,樹立研究楷模且引領後進追隨其蹤。本文將探討下列議題:(一)前言:本山與他山之石的碰撞-中西詩學對話;(二)1950-1980年代北美華裔學者:陳世驤、劉若愚、高友工;(三)1960-1990年代北美華裔學者:葉維廉、葉嘉瑩;(四)1970-2000年代北美華裔學者:孫康宜、余寶琳、蔡宗齊;(五)結論。 西方的中國古典詩研究論著難免瑕瑜互見,我們不要因此而忽視它們的精妙之處,我們可以看看別人怎樣詮釋中國古典詩歌,其立論觀點與研究方法又如何不同於我們的。本文所論及的八位北美漢學界的華裔學者,不管他們自身在研究方法上的限制為何,於中國古典詩研究的諸多個案,個個都像八仙過海各顯神通,也都為此一領域留下豐碩的學術成果,雖則其中有的不免稍有疏漏,但整體來看就有助於中西比較詩學的研究。總而言之,北美華裔學者的中國古典詩研究具現於華夏詩歌的英譯及析評,它是以西方各種詩學和文評流派為參考依據,再加上這些學者對中西詩學觀念的深刻理解,並參酌中西文論不同的思想,特別是儒釋道的文學觀念,並將兩大詩學體系中的文字意象相互闡發比較異同。最後,筆者深信這些學者對中西比較詩學的貢獻,乃是因為他們於詩作能剖析文本,也嘗試為中西詩學觀念作雙向的闡發和溝通,努力在中西詩學的對話中求同存異,真正做到了「異同全識並用」,他們對中國詩學與西方文論之相互借鏡與類比,毫無疑問地,可提供一種跨語際比較詩學研究的典範。


In an age of globalization, to rectify ourselves by observing the goodness of others in the study of classical Chinese poetry, we have to enhance our understanding to the Chinese-American scholars' researches, especially within the context of multiculturalism. Almost all of these inter-lingual critics can dexterously employ many kinds of western literary theories to study classical Chinese poetry, and their skillful applications to the specific text or issue thus validate the original critical assumptions. Therefore, this paper aims to selectively introduce and evaluate the eight eminent Chinese-American scholars' overall achievements in North-American Sino-logical circle, such as Shihhsiang Chen, James J.Y.Liu, Yung- kung Kao, Wai-lim Yip, Chia-ying Yeh- Chao, Kang-I Sun-Chang, Pauline R. Yu and Zong-qi Cai. Above all, these scholars have attempted to seek common poetics and preserve the cultural differences, and I believe this is what they could ever have offered a heterogeneous dialogue and a broader view to the study of comparative poetics. First of all, this study will discuss classical Chinese poetry in the context of comparative poetics, and thus investigate how these scholars read and interpreted classical Chinese poetry in the West. Secondly, it will analyze the strength and weakness of these scholars' studies, including their similarities and differences. Thirdly, the significances of these publications in the north-American Sino-logical circle will be my major concern in this paper. Finally, I will demonstrate how these eight scholar's mutual illumination of Chinese-Western poetics appropriate and successful is, when they adopt western theories to analyze classical Chinese poetry.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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