


On thought of "Practical Purpose" in "Study of Motse" by Liang Qi-chao




黃佳駿(Chia-Chun Huang)


梁啟超 ; 墨學微 ; 致用 ; 晚清諸子學 ; 實利 ; Liang Qi-chao ; Study on Motse Thought ; practical purpose ; Philosophers' Study of Late Qing Dynasty ; utility




28期(2010 / 12 / 01)


105 - 135






At late Qing Dynasty, the study of Taoism, Motse, Legalist is found with significant development with the revival of diversified schools of philosophers. Besides, Motse thought has also been affected by western study and academic atmosphere for statecraft of practical purpose. In addition to the use of traditional ”textual criticism” method, it has also combined statecraft for practical purpose, and methods from western study so that it has demonstrated unique value and meaning among diversified schools of philosophers in late Qing Dynasty.”Study of Motse” by Liang Qi-chao is considered to be of important work by Philosophers' Study at late Qing Dynasty and early Republican. The organization of the work is believed to found on the four major notions of belief of Motse study, which is linked up by religion, social utility, altruistic love, and politics and other issues. To a great extent, Liang places much focus on the relationship between the academics and contemporary development of the society. In such a way, the perspective of ”practical purpose” is employed to cut profoundly into its mindset and it can be rather helpful in exploring exploration the endowment of Motse study. Furthermore, Liang Qi-chao is also found with research vision seeing the development of western study, and his concept and thought of ”practical purpose” is undoubtedly smeared with trace of western study. For instances, his elaboration on ghost and spirit, economics, country, and national is closely connected with western philosophy, and it can be well explicated by the fact that Liang Qi-chao has well versed with academic perspective of Chinese and western studies. Furthermore, Liang considers that the realization of theory by Motse can be anticipated within the domain of politics, and it is why issues as ”race,” ”Great Harmony,” ”freedom and equality,” and ”rule of law” discussed by contemporary scholars can, as well, be linked to the political ideal of Motse thought through the reform of polity.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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