


A Study of the Reception of "Shih Ching" ("Classic of Poetry") by General Readers during the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties Period




林耀潾(Yao-Lin Lin)


魏晉南北朝 ; 《詩經》接受史 ; 普通讀者 ; 《世說新語》 ; 摘句鑒賞 ; Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties ; Reception History of "Shih Ching" ; General Readers ; "Shih-shuo hsin-yu" ; Quote Appreciation




30期(2011 / 12 / 01)


49 - 76






The reception history of ”Shih Ching” (”Classic of Poetry”) for the period of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties involves the history of poetic perception by general readers, of poetic interpretations by classical poetry scholars and critics, and of the personal influences of the poets. This paper intends to explore the reception of ”Shih Ching” from the perspective of the general reading public, which is mostly manifested in ”Shih-shuo hsin-yu” or ”A New Account of Tales of the World”. Amidst a contemporary account of social history, general readers of ”Shih Ching” in the period of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties were often both mocking and witty. They also liked to discuss their choice of the best lines from Mao Shih (one of the four schools of ”Shih Ching”), which marked the start of the tradition of quotation criticism. It was common for such readers to compare their life experiences or to evaluate others by the process of reader response and the appreciation of quotes.One outstanding example, the passage ”The willows waved to the breeze when I left for war, and now the snow is falling when I have returned,” quoted by Xye Xuan, has formed the basis of a reception history for the concept of ”scene” for more than one thousand years. Another instance is the great influence of ”Zhen Poetry Maid.” Such readers represented a type who Dr. Johnson would have taken great interest in. ”An immense general readership” is an indispensible part of literary history. Reader responses deserve to be written into ”the history of reader literature.”

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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