


The Research on "Zhouyi Wanci (Expounding Doctrine of Zhouyi)"-the Work of Song Dynasty Confucianist Xiang Anshi and Its Similarities and Dissimilarities with Cheng Yi's and Zhu Xi's Study of "The Book of Changes (Yijing)"




江乾益(Chien-Yi Chiang)


項安世 ; 《周易玩辭》 ; 《周易正義》 ; 《易程傳》 ; 《周易本義》 ; 易學 ; Xiang Anshi ; "Zhouyi Wanci (Expounding Doctrine of Zhouyi)" ; "Zhouyi Zhengyi" ; "Yi Cheng Zhuan"(same as "Yizhuan") ; "Zhouyi Benyi" ; Study of "The Book of Changes (Yijing) "




31期(2012 / 06 / 01)


55 - 91






The thesis aimed to explore the process of completion of Song Dynasty Confucianist Xiang Anshi's work ”Zhouyi Wanci,” his thinking of ”The Book of Changes (Yijing)” that was inherited or different from Cheng Yi's ”Yizhuan” and Zhu Xi's ”Zhouyi Benyi,” and probe into the reasons why. ”Tongzhitang Jingjie” compiled by Nalan Chengde in the beginning of Qing Dynasty collected quite a lot of writings of explanation of Five Classics in Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties; among them, there were 39 pieces of works of explanation of ”The Book of Changes (Yijing)” that were the greatest in quantity, and Xiang's ”Wanci” was one of them. Moreover, in the later period under the reign of Emperor Kangxi, Li Guangde received the order from above to write ”Zhouyi Zhezhong,” and there were 142 items of Xiang's theory of ”The Book of Changes (Yijing)” colleted within; among them, there were 9 items collected in the ”General Theories,” and this was because Li thought Xiang's theory could be deemed as the summary of the theories of ”The Book of Changes (Yijing)” in all the past dynasties; there were also 9 items gathered in ”Collection of Theories of All Sects,” and they were the ones that Li regarded as being with unique views after examining the theories of all sects. From the above exposition, we can see that Xiang's ”Zhouyi Wanci (Expounding Doctrine of Zhouyi)” was remarkable and out of ordinary; therefore, it was always respected by people and it was spread from generation to generation. Now I read his book and expect myself to know his personality and discuss the background of his times. Hence in the thesis' first section, I put forth effort to sort out relevant data of his biographies, and narrated his life story and made an observation of the background of his writings by means of it. In the second section, I explained that Xiang's study came from Cheng Yi and Zhu Xi, and he made deepgoing research on Xiangshu (symbols) of study of ”The Book of Changes (Yijing)” in Song Dynasty; therefore, I made a general exposition of its similarities and dissimilarities with Cheng Yi's and Zhu Xi's study of ”The Book of Changes (Yijing).” In the third section, I took the text as the basis completely to make a deepgoing research on the content of ”Zhouyi Wanci (Expounding Doctrine of Zhouyi);” in the thesis, I aimed at several dimensions of his internal theoretical basis of interpreting ”The Book of Changes (Yijing),” discussions of divinatory symbols, single and divided lines, phenomena, generalization on divination, and change of symbols, the integral and continuous concepts of his interpreting ”The Book of Changes (Yijing),” and his using Xiangshu (symbols ) as the auxiliary to Yili (principles) to devote myself to exploration, and made a comprehensive appraisal and commented on his achievement of interpreting ”The Book of Changes (Yijing)” to conclude.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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