


The Flow/Identity of Self, Space and Culture Subject-The Range of Poetess Lu Bicheng's (1883-1943) Prose




羅秀美(Hsiu-Mei Lo)


呂碧城 ; 近現代文學 ; 女性文學 ; 文化主體 ; 自我認同 ; Lu Bicheng (呂碧城) ; modern literary ; feminine literary ; culture subjectivity ; Self-identity




32期(2012 / 12 / 01)


163 - 210






Lu Bicheng呂碧城has always been ”modern first poetess ”Reputation, therefore, the descendants of study for Lu Bicheng poems and there has been considerable success. In contrast, achievements in Prose to cover up more than her poetry achievements. Therefore, Therefore, this article intends to study systematically the prose achievement of Lu Bicheng, to fill the vacancies of (literary) history. The theme of her prose covers the following categories, First, women's education. Second, travel and tours. Three, Buddhism and protection of life / Vegetarian karma. Four, dreams and the supernatural. In the flow phenomena of Lu Bicheng prose discourse, to discuss the value of her principal. Firstly, transform identity, she engaged the public domain, become a female newspaper editor and educator, and even convert to the Buddhist; her life by the passion of the excitement of the revolution to the mercy of protection of life and not killing show a variety of flow of biographical. Secondly, the flow of the main body, female travel experience move to the virtual and actual space, both roaming the different countries, but also go in and out of dream / supernatural edge; moving experience in the virtual and actual space, to show the possibility of infinitely broad life space. Thirdly, the recognition and wavering of cultural subjects, Lu Bicheng has insist to own culture, and western values are also selected. Is manifested not only in she was opposed to the full switch to the vernacular after the May Fourth Movement, also in the criticism of the Chinese people over advocating English. However, she showed a self depart from the attitude, both adhere to the classical, but also wrote the only one vernacular creation; although criticism of the excessive use of English capitulation atmosphere, but the advantages of the English, but let she enjoy the Western life convenience and luxury. Based on the above, the flowing prose discourse of Lu Bicheng, in addition to show talented womon renegade traditional attitude of the new generation, but also multiple rendering after her run away from the boudoir of self-transformation of the course, given modern meaning for subjects; So she called a model of the late Qing & Early years of the Republic knowledge of women characters. So she deserves to be called a model characters of knowledge of women in the late Qing Dynasty & early Republican era.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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