


A Comparison of the Chinese and Japanese Language Current in Explaining and Publicizing of Imperial Edicts




阿部泰記(Abe Yasuki)


宣講聖諭 ; 《六諭》 ; 《六諭衍義》 ; 《宣講集要》 ; 《宣講拾遺》 ; 《漢川善書》 ; 《六諭衍義大意》 ; popularly explaining and publicizing for "Imperial Edicts" ; "Six Imperial Edicts" ; "Spread Meaning for Six Imperial Edicts" ; "suanchiang-chiyao" ; "Hsuanchiang-shiyi" ; Hanchuan-shanshu ; "General Idea of the Spread Meaning for Six Imperial Edicts"




32期(2012 / 12 / 01)


93 - 130






The ”Six Imperial Edicts” of the first founder of Ming dynasty is constituted by four words six sentences, simple and easy to understand, for moralizing the common people. And then this ”Six Imperial Edicts” is read aloud in village rules or domestic instruction, produced a lot of explanation text. Fan Hong's ”Spread Meaning for Six Imperial Edicts” is one of those texts, in order to moralize the common people, uses vernacular language and infixes karma story, became a model as popularly explaining and publicizing for ”Imperial Edicts”. Although this text is lost in China, but a great many similar texts were published at that time. Up to the end of Ch'ing Dynasty, more popular folk Rap form texts, such as ”Hsuanchiang-chiyao”, ”Hsuanchiang-shiyi” were produced among the people, and had a strong appeal to the audience.By now, Hanchuan district of Hupei province still inherits this Rap form folk lecture, only the property of moralization already weak and the property of amusement strong. In Japan, popularly explaining and publicizing for Imperial Edicts mainly spreads by writing or reading, and its headstream is Fan Hong's ”Spread Meaning for Six Imperial Edicts”. Fan Hong's work is by Tei Junsoku (1963-1735), a scholar of Lyukyu, reprints in Fuchou and brings back to Lyukyu, then Shimazu Yoshitaka, the fourth lord of Satsuma clan, offered up to General Tokugawa Yoshimune at Japanese Kyoho six years (1721).But Japanese sinologists are blind to vernacular, therefore General ordered Ogyu Sorai (1666-1728), who can translate Chinese, add training points and reprint, then ordered Muro Kyuso (1658-1734), a famous sinologist, translate general idea of this text next year. At that time, General recommended Muro's text, lords and officials reprinted or copied this text, used to lecture people as well. Then they needed to suit for Japanese cultural context, cut out Chinese stories and added Japanese stories. For instance, Kyoto Katuta Chikyo's ”Kankyo-kosei-zouka-rikuyuengi-taii” included Japanese great men story in ”Taiheiki” and so on. And its text printed by Harima clan, included an irrigating story of a local great man Kondo Kamezo. Up to the present, people of Okinawa country respect the great work of Tei Junsoku, still hold commemorative activities. Kume Suseikai in Okinawa also printed ”Gendaiban-Rikuyuengitaii”, which is explain ”Six Imperial Edicts” by Manga form, and encourage children to comply with courtesy. In summary, popularly explaining and publicizing for ”Imperial Edicts” needs to use spoken and written language which is close to people.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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