


The Four Siddhanta and Their Definitions of Zhi-xu's "Zen Interpretation of Zhouyi"


林文彬(Wen-Ping Lin)


智旭 ; 蕅益 ; 周易禪解 ; 四悉檀 ; 以佛解易 ; Zhi-xu ; Ou-yi ; Zen Interpretation of Zhouyi (Zhou-yi-chan-jie) ; four Siddhanta ; Buddhist interpretation of Yijing




34期(2013 / 12 / 01)


69 - 100






This paper probes into the style of exegesis of Buddhist scriptures in Zhi-xu's Zen "Interpretation of Zhouyi": i.e., the so-called "four Siddhanta" and their definitions. Zhi-xu allotted Zhouyi's structure (body of hexagram, explanation of hexagram, explanation of horizontal line and Ten Wings) to each of four Siddhanta, and further, used dharma of all living beings, Buddha-dharma and dharma of observing mind to expound it. First, this paper traces back to its source by four Siddhanta and then analyses thoughts by two types of "catuskoti" in Nagarjuna's The Fundamentals of the Middle Way (Mulamadhyamaka-Karika). From that, we can realize Chinese Buddhism absorbed and transformed emptiness of dharma nature and the Tiantai School used "mind" to adopt emptiness of dharma nature issued from causes and conditions. According to this, the Tiantai School also produced the thought of "Buddha-nature of Middle Way", and established a model for exegesis of Buddhist scriptures by interpreting "Lotus Sutra", their own school's fundamental scripture. It is the most comprehensive from Nanyue Hui-si's dharma of all living beings, Buddha-dharma and dharma of mind to Zhi-yi's four exegeses of Tiantai: i.e., causes and conditions(four Siddhanta), according to the teachings, original and traces and observing the mind. Zhi-xu, a disciple who never took lessons directly under Tiantai, integrated three Nanyue dharmas with Zhi-yi's four exegeses to form his own model of exegesis of Buddhist scriptures. He interpreted not only Buddhist scriptures but also "Zhouyi" with it. His original intent in writing "Zen Interpretation of Zhouyi" was to lead Confucianism into Buddhism, but in fact, his thinking on classification of Buddha's teaching is very strong. Confucianism and Buddhism have a common origin of Tathatā (true thusness or suchness). While Confucianism has virtue but no cultivating virtue, this is also a motive for integrating "Yijing" and Buddhism in Zhi-xu's "Zen Interpretation of Zhouyi": to carry out Confucian classics with it, and pointed out a way to get upgraded.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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