


On Contents and Features of Yeh Shih's Work of Epitaphs


林秀珍(Hsiu-Chen Lin)


葉適 ; 墓誌銘 ; 宋代 ; 古文 ; Yeh Shih ; an epitaph ; Sung dynasty ; classical prose




35期(2014 / 06 / 01)


171 - 207






"Epitaphs" had been vehicles of socialization among scholars in old times, therefore, they were mostly ordinary literary pieces. However, we found extraordinary epitaphs in books of Yeh Shih, a master in Yung-Chia school, South Sung dynasty of China. His works of epitaph had apparent features of his own, and had been positively commented as dynasties gone by. He wrote epitaphs mostly for his coworkers, scholars, and friends, sometimes for females. By writing these, he intended to extract, or to regulate a monumental model from the objects, and accumulate them to be the spiritual paragon of his time. These paragons contain those articles for scholars, and for decent women, in the time of South Sung dynasty. He wrote all these by detailed description of the people's behaviors and words. Furthermore, by reading and studying his epitaph writings, we found a part of Yeh's thoughts on issues of live and death. Yeh endeavored to renovate the style of epitaph writings of his time, by emphasizing on sentimental and discussive sides, instead of in a descriptive way. By information collecting and field investigation, Yeh Shih predominated the deeds of the objects he wrote for. He made everyone peculiar by digging and analyzing their behavior and words. By all of these, Yeh made actually a priceless, vivid, and colorful book of biographies of his own time.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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