


A Study of Ho and Cheng on the Ancient Book Gu Liang Regarding the Ideas of Fei Ji and Chi Fei Ji:Yingong、Huangong


吳智雄(Chih-Hsiung Wu)


《穀梁》 ; 何休 ; 鄭玄 ; 《穀梁廢疾》 ; 起《廢疾》 ; Gu Liang ; Ho Hsio ; Cheng Hsuan ; Gu Liang Fei Ji ; Chi Fei Ji




37期(2015 / 06 / 01)


121 - 146




東漢末年,何休作《公羊墨守》、《左氏膏肓》、《穀梁廢疾》三書,以抑《左》、《榖》而揚《公羊》;鄭玄則作發《墨守》、鍼《膏肓》、起《廢疾》三書以排之,何休見之而有「康成入吾室,操吾矛,以伐我乎」之歎。何、鄭二人關於《春秋》三傳的優劣論辯,於漢代春秋學史中可見三傳地位浮沈之跡,於漢代經學史中則為今、古學之爭的遺緒,實具相當重要之學術意義。然該三書在宋代已殘缺佚失,以致全貌未得一覩,今端賴清人掇拾補綴的輯佚之作以存其梗概,唯迄今仍未見現代學界專文討論。以此,本文乃先以《穀梁》為對象,據清人孔廣林《釋穀梁廢疾》輯文,並再對校他家輯本,依序析論隱公、桓公時期的7 條輯文。除條分縷析何、鄭二人於7 條輯文之論辯主張外,並得出何休所應用之「以經廢《穀》」、「以《穀》廢《穀》」、「以《公》廢《穀》」、「以緯廢《穀》」等四種論辯方法,鄭玄所應用之「以經釋《穀》」、「以史釋《穀》」、「以禮釋《穀》」、「以《穀》釋《穀》」、「以義釋《穀》」等五種論辯方法。


At the end of the Eastern-Han Dynasty, Ho Hsio 何休 authored three books, namely, Gong Yan Mo Hso (公羊墨守), Zuo Shi Gao Huang (左氏膏肓), Gu Liang Fei Ji (穀梁廢疾) the commentaries on the the "three books of Chun Chiu 春秋" the Gong Yang (公羊), Zuo Shi (左氏), and Gu Liang(穀梁). Ho's works offered a clear preference for the Gong Yang (Gong Yang Mo Hso), the first book but clearly disparaged the ideas of the latter two Chun Chiu books, the Zuo Shi and Gu Liang. Later on, Cheng Hsuan 鄭玄, a contemporary of Ho, authored three books, the Fa Mo Hso (發墨守), Jen Gau Huang (鍼膏肓), Chi Fei Ji (起廢疾) which all opposed the Ho commentaries. In response, Ho Hsio said that "Kang-Cheng 康成 (Cheng Hsuan's other name) entered my room and used my lance to attack me." This Ho and Cheng debate continued on the three books of Chun Chiu through the Later Han and was a major issue with the books shifting status constantly. Scholars in this debate raised such questions as old verses new, and the contemporary verses the ancient. However, the authentic scripts of the "three books of Chun Chiu" were lost since the Song Dynasty and until the Qing Dynasty scholars had attempted to restore the works. In spite of this no academic paper to date has independently explored the topic. This paper focuses on the book Gu Liang, using the updated version Explaining Gu Liang Fei Ji (釋穀梁廢疾) written by Ching era scholar Kong, Kuang Lin 孔廣林. The paper selects 7 paragraphs of his book (Explaining Gu Liang Fei Ji) in Yingong and Huangong to draw a larger picture on the Ho and Cheng debate.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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