One of the major topics discussed in Wang Zhong's "Lunheng" is the emergence of "vulgar language", "popular meeting" or "human feelings" within the society. The researcher regarded that Wang Zhong's perspective on "vulgar" does not mainly revolve around its attributes and contents, but also refers to the perspectives of "citizen", "proletariat" or "little tradition" as opposed to the elite intelligentsia. Moreover, it is actually even closer to the sociological term called "Group Psychology", of which can be defined as one of the cross-cultural social phenomena. Based on Wang Zhong's understanding and experiences of the Group Pyschology combined with his understanding of natural universe, he proposed his arguments regarding the rhetorical strategies of "vulgar". In other words, when Wang Zhong was criticizing and discussing this topic, he has applied certain subtraction rhetorical strategy, of which started by investigating and identifying the natural origin of the confusion in these vulgarities (i.e., vulgar language, popular meeting) and then attempted to select and eliminate group psychology based on the "imaginative effect", "suggestive effect" and "associative effect". Furthermore, he also has refused to conduct moral or theological interpretation on the natural phenomena. Finally, the main objective of this is to restore each subject or object to its most original form before it has received the effects from the group psychology.