


No Baseless Praise and Not Varnishing Error - Description of Double-faced Xiang Yu in Biographic Sketch of Xiang Yu of the Record of History


朱孟庭(Chu Meng-Ting)


史記 ; 項羽 ; 本紀 ; 不虛美 ; 不隱惡 ; Record of History ; Xiang Yu ; Biographic Sketch ; No Baseless Praise and Not Varnishing Error




40期(2016 / 12 / 01)


25 - 59






As one of the most brilliant chapters in the Record of History, Biographic Sketch (benji) of Xiang Yu, which had been affirmed by Ban Gu that all it states, in which there is a lack of baseless praise and error-varnishing, is straightforward and verifiable, is well known as highlighting the life of Xiang Yu through the battle of Julu, the feast at Hongmen, as well as the event of being surrounded in Gaixia, which refer to Xiang Yu's rise and decline in power, and to his failure in accomplishing the national unification, respectively. My discussion can be divided into four parts. (1) the reasons why Sima Qian wrote a benji for Xiang Yu, who had not been definitely being an emperor, theoretically speaking, include: (i) recording what have actually happened; (ii) revealing the change in the world; (iii) observing the rule of the rise and fall occurred in human society; (iv) in comparing Xiang Yu with Xiang Liang, the way of judging whether one is a hero or not under a "success-failure" framework is denied. (2) Sima Qian's appreciation of Xiang Yu can be seen among a great amount of positive descriptions (generous, confident, brave, passionate, righteous...etc) of him in his benji. (3) Xiang Yu's failure is due to several character faults, which include (i) cruel to the people; (ii) impatient in reading and being addicted to fighting; (iii) has no talent for employing his staffs and usually holds a bad attitude; (iv) so pretentious and rejects advices from others; (v) lack of reflecting his own behaviors. (4) Based on what are mentioned above, it can be said that there must be a double faced Xiang Yu realized by Sima Qian who, by means of some artistic expressions including a selection of representative events and a performance of vivid descriptions, is successful in pointing out the double-sided even the conflict in Xiang Yu's character.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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