


The Production and Construction of Locality: The Fengshui Practice from the Cultivation Legends of Liuk Tui Hakka Settlements


徐國明(Hsu Kuo-Ming)


六堆 ; 地方性 ; 拓墾傳說 ; 客家 ; 風水 ; 敗地理 ; Liuk Tui ; locality ; cultivation legends ; Hakka ; Fengshui ; destroy the geomancy




41期(2017 / 06 / 01)


255 - 278




本文將重新審視至今仍流傳於六堆地區客家聚落的拓墾傳說,試圖探討其中涉及的風水實踐現象,用以凸顯中國傳統風水文化是如何藉由拓墾傳說的論述性實踐(discursive practice),形構出聚落本身的「地方性」(locality)脈絡及內涵。具體來說,透過六堆聚落拓墾傳說的敘事內容,不難發現一個聚落空間的形成和發展,不只是周遭環境景觀的改變,其中更蘊含著風水文化的靈諭(inspiration)、認知與詮釋,特別是風水師的實際操作,以及一般人對於風水文化的認識和反應。尤其,聚落空間與地理風水的相互構成,其實也反映出地方居民已經從簡單的環境認知,逐漸朝向多元複雜的空間實踐(spatial practice)發展。這樣一來,必須追問的是,在六堆地區不同聚落的社會、地理及歷史脈絡中,風水文化是如何被認識、實踐的?並且,藉由「傳說」這樣特殊的文學形式,風水文化又開展出什麼樣足以辨識、理解與應用的論述性實踐?最後,在拓墾傳說的風水實踐下,究竟生產、建構出什麼樣的「地方性」意義?而這些提問或觀察,將有助於凸顯六堆聚落的風水文化是如何借助拓墾傳說的流傳、變異,持續地改變、適應地方社會的需求,在聚落發展上產生相當的影響作用。


This paper reexamines the cultivation legends that currently exists in Liuk Tui Hakka settlements and attempts to discuss the fengshui practices involved. This paper also explores how the Chinese traditional fengshui culture is emphasized through the discursive practice of the cultivation legends and how the fengshui culture constructs the context and content of the community's locality. To be specific, according to the narrative of the Liuk Tui cultivation legends, it is obvious that the formation and development of the settlement's spaces are not merely changed according to its environmental landscape. The spatial development is also influenced by the inspiration, recognition, and interpretation of fengshui culture, the actual practices of the fengshui masters, and the acknowledgment and reaction to fengshui culture among the general public. The interaction between settlement spaces and geomancy fengshui, in particular, reflected that the environmental knowledge of local residents has gradually developed into a multiple and complex spatial practice. Therefore, it is important to examine how the fengshui culture was acknowledged and practiced among different settlements of Liuk Tui within its social-geometrical-historical context. Through the distinctive literature genre of "legends", how was the discursive practices of the fengshui culture which is identifiable, understandable, and applicable been developed is an essential prerequisite. Lastly, this paper also inquires what "locality" meaning does the fengshui practices based on cultivation legends produced and constructed. These observation and inquiries will help highlight the fengshui culture in Liuk Tui settlement and demonstrate the continuing changes and transformation of the application of the cultivation legends according to the local demands, which greatly influenced the settlement's development.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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