


A Study of Zaci or Zaju Ci by Emperor of Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty


廖藤葉(Liao, Teng-Yeh)


宋真宗 ; 雜劇 ; 雜劇詞 ; 雜詞 ; Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty ; Zaju ; Zaju Ci ; Zaci




43期(2018 / 06 / 01)


153 - 184






Information on the record of "either Zaju Ci" (words of miscellaneous forms of plays) written by Emperor Zhenzong of Song in The History of the Song Dynasty has been constantly quoted by those conducting studies on the history and development of Chinese drama as an important evidence. The words "either Zaci" (unclassified words), however, appear in some editions of The History of the Song Dynasty. If the record of "Zaci" was exactly the one used by Emperor Zhenzong, and thenit has to be taken into circumspect consideration. Three main arguments are listed as below. Firstly, this essay delves into circulated editions of The History of the Song Dynasty, and the related historical materials are used as evidence. The record of the original word "Zaju Ci" is difficult to be judged despite older editions of The History of the Song Dynasty recording "Zaju Ci." Secondly, if assuming "Zaci" was the one exactly used by Emperor Zhenzong, it was never circulated to the public, and also means its contents covers flashiness or shallow vulgarity. Zaci under the royal academy included various lyrics, slogans and written words of performance with the nature of the stories, necessary for feasts. Thirdly, assuming that "Zaju Ci" was written by Emperor Zhenzong," it makes interpretations based on both broad and narrow senses of "Zaju." "Zaju Ci" in narrow sense means ludicrousness and humor-oriented play script for Zaju in the Song Dynasty, while "Zaju Ci" in broad sense that encompasses all kinds of written words of performance with the nature of the story is actually also the "play script."

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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