


A Study on Popular Characters in Hongmeiji as Engraved Version in Ming Dynasty


巫俊勳(Wu, Jun-Xun)


紅梅記 ; 俗字 ; 正字 ; 異體字 ; Hongmeiji ; Popular Characters ; Proper Characters ; Character Variants




43期(2018 / 06 / 01)


185 - 222






There was a paradox, especially one of the features of literary tales, in the flourishing publishing industry during Ming dynasty that apart from the existence of compilers of ancient lexicons, e.g. Hongwu Zhengyun by Song Lian as well as Zihui by Mei Yingzu, which were commonly categorized as specifying standard types of each printed character, a convention in which both proper and popular words were mixed to engrave books was also constituted. Take the book, titled as Xinke Yuan Zhonglang xiansheng piping Hongmeiji, as an example of the latter. Engraved by Chen Changqing who were active during late Ming dynasty, the book, composed also by a Ming scholar, Zhou Chaojun, was well-known for its various characteristics as follows: one word with different fonts, mix of both proper and popular words, complex of ancient and modern styles, same form with adjusted structures, reorganization of the cluster of words in Kaishu, as well as popular characters of multiple written forms, which arose from situations including confusion of similar structures, habits of modulating the number of strokes of characters, borrowed characters by same pronunciation, etc. Even the Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants compiled by the Ministry of Education does not collect a great number of characters occurred in the engraved book by Chen, and it seems to be able to prove a variety of forms for popular words in general.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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