


BaoJuan's distribution, broadcasting and reception about the story of the White Snake in the the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China- The two main texts


劉淑娟(Liu, Shu-Chuan)


寶卷 ; 白蛇傳故事 ; 傳播與行銷 ; Baojuan ; the story of the White Snake ; distribution and broadcasting




45期(2019 / 06 / 01)


121 - 156






Baojuan was origined from Sujiang in Tang Dynasty. In the long process of development, Baojuan became the cultural product of religion, teaching and entertaining in late Qing Dynasty, the heyday of Baojuan. The story of White Snake tells about the love and hate between the monster, Madam White, and the human, Xu Xian. The story of Madam White Snake is one of the four great tales in China; therefore, it was also received by the artist of Baojuan tellers. The tellers accepted the story of Madam White Snake, and used it to urge people to do good. Just like Guci and Tanci, Baojuan is also a branch of folk literature and oral art. However, it still contains its religious gene. How would the storytellers of Baojuan use the story of Madam White Snake to urge people to do good? This article integrates aesthetics, distribution and broadcasting science and includes aesthetics to explore how Baojuan is different from Guci and Tanci, which is spot improvisation, variable large, and relatively low stability. Even they all belongs to the folk literature and oral art in storytellers' house (Shuchang). What are the different preaching strategies in order to fulfill the its mission and purpose of broadcasting? And what are the different context connotation and character formation resulted from the different preaching strategies?

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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