


"Punishment Executed by Heaven": Confucius's Rejection of the Way of Spiritual Freedom


許明珠(Hsu, Ming-Chu)


莊子 ; 孔子 ; 天刑 ; 天之戮民 ; 逍遙 ; 跡冥論 ; Zhuangzi ; Confucius ; Punishment Executed by Heaven ; Person Fettered by Heaven ; Spiritual Freedom ; Ji Ming Lun




46期(2019 / 12 / 01)


1 - 27






By analyzing the original sentence "tian xin zhi, an ke jie" (one is powerless to get rid of the punishment which is executed by Heaven), which is a comment on Confucius made by Shushan Wuzhi who is undoubtedly a representative of Zhuangzi's view, the author attempts to elaborate the theoretical significance of Confucius's image in the book of Zhuangzi. It will be argued in this paper that, given that Confucius declares himself as "tian zhi lu min" (a person who is fettered by Heaven), it clearly appears that he must first have a deep insight into the value of "you yu fang wai" (wandering outside the vulgar world), and that he can be said to finally deny such a life style just mentioned of his own free will. In other words, in what is drawn by Zhuangzi, it is Confucius's own decision to go away from the road of spiritual freedom, and it is definitely the reason why the original sentence "tian xin zhi, an ke jie" makes sense. What is interpreted above is completely opposite to Confucius's image mentioned in the Ji Ming Lun held by Guo Xiang. As Ji Ming Lun is received by modern scholars such as Mou Zongsan and Gao Boyuan, it is worthy to be discussed and that will be the task of the last part of this article. The reasons that Ji Ming Lun will be refused in this article include: (1) it is inconsistent with the original text; (2) moral subject is incapable of "qi shi fei" (equalizing what is right and what is wrong), and thus it is at the same time incapable of acquiring the spiritual freedom.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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