


A Study on Stone Carvers in Tang Dynasty: Taking the Epitaph of the Tang Dynasty as An Example


魏猷恩(Wei ,Yu-En)


唐代墓誌 ; 石刻刻工 ; 題署 ; 物勒工名 ; 刻工不只一人 ; The Epitaph of the Tang Dynasty ; Stone Carvers ; Ti-Shu ; Wule Gongming ; There was More than One Carve




46期(2019 / 12 / 01)


29 - 80






The Tang Dynasty had a splendid culture and rich stone carvings. All through the ages, those who studied the authors of stone carvings had more discussion on writers and calligraphers, and less on carvers. The research of carvers began with the Ti-Shu (carved inscription about authors and their purpose) of stone tablets. Its institutioncan be traced back to the pre-Qin period. It was "Wule Gongming." Its aim was to examine the works of craftsmen, and to investigate its credibility. The subsequent generations continued its institution; besides, on account of the awakening of carvers' self-consciousness, the names carved on the products, which was for examinations, gradually became to indicate the quality of products. The Wule Gongming institution existed in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but only few stone carvings had the names of their carvers on them. It could clearly be seen that it was not a general rule. The epitaph of the Tang Dynasty was prevailing, and it became one of the most common stone carvings; thus it was suitable to be the sample of the stone carvings of the Tang Dynasty. This article analyzes sample 106 of the carver's Ti- Shu of the epitaph of the Tang Dynasty. The results of my research are as follows: As for Ti-Shu at different times, there were the fewest in early Tang Dynasty, and more in middle Tang Dynasty; it significantly increased in late Tang Dynasty. There were four types of Ti-Shu; Ti-Shuwasplaced in the end of an epitaph; the birthplace which was included in Ti-Shuwas often Jun Wang(good family pedigree). Some single epitaph had more than two kinds of carving style, and thus we infer that there was more than one carver. The reason for this might be that the master stone carver would demonstrate how to carve it in advance and apprentices would try to imitate it. Thus, it displayed different styles of skilled masters and novices. Because of time restriction, the bereaved pressed the carvers to finish it quickly and thus the carvers needed more people's help so as to submit their works in time. According to the distribution of the inscribed words of the epitaph which was carved by more than one carver, we can try to fathom its methods and procedure. Most of the time, the areas which were used to demonstrate carving skills were the four corners of a stone epitaph. We speculate that the carvers did not follow the order of an article, but they carved by virtue of the sign written by the calligrapher, and carved according to the characteristic of the stone and their habit of using their knife so as to increase efficiency. That is, the carvers carved from the four corners of the stone epitaph and gradually moved toward the center so as to save time and effort.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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