


Sincerity Begets Response To Appeal-The Buddhists' process of religious conversion and their contemplative understanding of the beliefs as described in Collection of Diamond Sutra Related Miracle Tales compiled by Duan Chengshi


黃東陽(Huang, Tung-Yang)


〈金剛經鳩異〉 ; 唐代 ; 志怪小說 ; 佛教小說 ; 佛教靈驗記 ; Collection of Diamond Sutra Related Miracle Tales ; Tang Dynasty ; Weird navel ; Buddhist novels ; Miracle tales in Buddhism




46期(2019 / 12 / 01)


81 - 111






Duan Chengshi followed his father's order and compiled Collection of Diamond Sutra Related Miracle Tales. In doing so he adopted the Confucian scholars' tradition of profoundly studying the text on one hand and accepted the Buddhist's viewpoint as his standpoint on the other hand, in recording the mysterious experience his father had and collected Diamond Sutra related miracle tales circulated in his time. Collection of Diamond Sutra Related Miracle Tales followed the narrative tradition of of weird navels and used the variation against physical rules as the center of discussion. It also utilized the longevity as the theme to convey the message that only believing in Buddhadharma could one guarantee one's longevity. It further publicized that Buddhists could go to Buddhaksetra after the death and totally guaranteed the benefits before and after one's death. Duan Chengshi used "Life Benefits" as the focal point of his narration and differentiated the conflict of thinking between Buddhists and Confucians, corrected and adjusted the moral judgment of Confucian but without negating it. This article reflected how miracle tales in Buddhism starting from Tang Dynasty no longer promoted that the Buddhadharma had the function of protecting human body, but promised the acquisition of eternal life. Thus Buddhism provided Confucians with their rare answers to the question where the life goes after the disappearance of physical body. This is also the main reason why Buddhism can spread in China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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