


To unravel Sima's ideal form of emperor-minister relationship through the in-depth study of "The Biographic Sketch of Shi-Zhi Chang and Tan Feng" in "The Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji)"


朱孟庭(Chu, Meng-Ting)


《史記》 ; 司馬遷 ; 張釋之 ; 馮唐 ; 君臣之道 ; The Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji) ; Qian Sima ; Shi-Zhi Chang ; Tan Feng ; Principle of emperor-minster relationship




47期(2020 / 06 / 01)


1 - 42






In the artile of "The Biographic Sketch of Shi-Zhi Chang and Tan Feng", a chapter in "The Records of the Grand Historian (Shiji)", Grand Historian Sima Qian described an ideal form of emperor-minister relationship. With this theme as a basis, the current study has investigated how Shi-Zhi Chang and Tan Feng admonished the Emperor of Wen of Han Dynasty in order to depict the due respect between enlightened emperor and virtuous minister. Through vigorous arguments back and forth, this works demonstrated that Chang and Feng interacted with sages to leverage their spirituality, subsequently depicting the compassionate manner of them in a clear contrast to the brutality conducted by other officials with a cruel mind. In parallel, the generosity of the two was indicated by an analogical comparison with the humanity of well-reputed officials in the history. The careful examination of Sima's personal note further suggested that the Biographic Sketch not only evaluated the Emperor of Wen as an enlightened leader who was rational, open-minded, well-tempered and wise enough to empower the trustable officials, but also praised Chang and Fang without reservation. Sima considered the two being virtuous ministers because of the following reasons: admonishing the emperor with reasonable endeavor, serving the country with patriotism, executing the law with justice but never flattering the emperor, making decisions with legitimacy and compassion. Sima also pointed out that Chang and Fang always behaved properly and communicated skillfully, thus being characterized as politicians with benevolence but far from officials with brutality. As the consequence, the emperor and the ministers were mutually helping each other while establishing the political entity. Such an unusual bond, which looked more like within family members or friends rather than ordered by absolute hierarchy, was evidenced by listening, understanding, courtesy, considering and wholehearted willingness between two sides. The multiple angles of emperor-minister relationship unraveled in this article was in turn derived from the blend of Confucianism and Taoism. Further combined with essence of other disciplines of Chinese culture, Sima provided his unique yet intriguing view on the inspiring principle of emperor-minster relationship.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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