


The Textual Arrangement and the Holistic Feature of Ritual of Jiali Bian in Zhu Xi's Yili Jingzhuan Tongjie


楊治平(Yang, Zhi-Ping)


家禮 ; 朱熹 ; 儀禮 ; 通禮 ; 宋明理學 ; Jiali ; Zhu Xi ; Yili ; Holistic Feature of Ritual ; Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism




47期(2020 / 06 / 01)


43 - 80






While Yili Jingzhuan Tongjie, traditonally regarded as the most important book on ritual among Zhu Xi's academic works, has widely been taken by scholars as arranging both classics and annotations on ritual, its textual characteristics, mainly including its selection of some secordary texts other than ancient classics, as well as its construction of new table of contents, have been less appreciated. This paper concentrates on the jiali bian (chapter of ritual within family) in Yili Jingzhuan Tongjie, arguing that the principles of material-selection it adopts include: (1) how the materials connect with classics on ritual; (2) how researches on both jiafan and luxue in the area of ritual in Zhu Xi's time can be integrated into historial materials with ritual significance. In this regard, Zhu Xi not only aims at arranging texts and materials pertaining to ritual, but also at responding to, in a practical sense, new topics occurred in his era. In short, it can be said that Zhu Xi is taked his works on defining Yili as the root of philosophy of ritual as a supplementary explanation of why sages in ancient time established ritual principles. What has been mentioned above will be generalized in the paper as "li yi yi qi" (reaonableness as the foundation of ritual) which offers, other than the approach of textual arrangement, a new perspective of reading Yili Jingzhuan Tongjie.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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