


Research for Creativity Teaching Attitude of Early Childhood Education Teachers




黃淑嫆(Shu-Jung Huang);莊麗珠(Li-Zhu Chuang)


幼兒教師 ; 創意教學態度 ; early childhood education teachers ; creativity teaching attitude




2卷1期(2008 / 07 / 01)


151 - 166




「創意不是口號,教學的舞台,就是創意的舞台」,教師本身就是幼兒模仿創意的楷模之一,必須靈活善用並時時創新自己的教學,以吸引孩子的注意力及激發其創造潛能。因此,位於第一線的幼兒教師要如何展現本身的創意,以及對創意教學抱持何種態度,都將深深影響幼兒的創造力。 研究目的欲了解幼兒教師本身之創意教學態度,透過對六位幼兒教師進行深度訪談,一方面考量教師個體的內在因素,另一方面納入教師的工作環境等外在因素,以歸納出影響幼兒教師創意教學態度之相關因素。 研究結果發現:教師對創意教學態度抱持正面及肯定的看法;其次,家長支持與否是影響幼兒教師從事創意教學的關鍵因素。最後,針對政府的教育政策、師培機構、園所支持及教師本身四方面,俾供相關建議。


Originality is not a slogan; teaching platform is the stage for originality. Teachers themselves are the patterns whom children copy and create. In order to call children's attention and exert their talent, teachers need to make great use of their creativity in teaching. Hence, children's creativity will be deeply influenced by the attitude of the front line early childhood education teachers. The purpose of the research is to understand the creativity teaching attitude of early childhood education teachers. Through the interview of six early childhood education teachers, the research is to consider the internal factors of teachers and to combine the external factors of teachers' working environment. Moreover, the research is to understand the related factors which influence early childhood education teachers’ originality teaching attitude. The result is as follows. Teachers hold positive attitude toward originality teaching attitude. Parents' supporting also influence teachers' originality teaching attitude. At last, the discussion consists the following four parts-educational policy of government, qualified teacher cultivation institution, kindergarten support and teachers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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