


Integrating Multiple Intelligences and problem-based Learning into Kindergarten Classroom Teaching




汪榮才(Jung-Tsai Wang);陳宗韓(Tzong-Han Chen);汪宇琪(Yu-Chi Wang)


問題本位學習 ; 多元智能 ; problem-based learning ; multiple intelligences




2卷1期(2008 / 07 / 01)


29 - 53




智力是人類學習,思考並解決生活問題,以獲得良好生活適應的能力。對於智力的內涵,心理學者及教育學者提出三種不同的理論取向:(1)心理計量取向;(2)訊息處理取向;(3)模組系統取向。 Gardner (1983)採模組系統取向,將智力分爲八種:(1)語文智能;(2)邏輯-數學智能;(3)空間智能;(4)音樂智能;(5)肢體-動覺智能;(6)人際智能;(7)內省智能;(8)自然觀察智能。Gardner (1983)認爲,每個人都具有上述八種智力,唯其組合方式因人而異。人類八種智力的運作猶如汽車各個獨立模組系統的啟動,常常是相互關聯的。例如,飛機駕駛員不僅要運用肢體-動覺智能和空間智能來操作飛機的駕駛,還要運用邏輯-數學智能來了解飛行中的物理現象,運用語文智能來和領航員及旅客溝通。 所謂問題本位學習是以非結構性與開放式之眞實世界的問題做爲學習的開始,透一定的教學過程,學習課程內容,並使問題獲得解決。 由於多元智能與問題本位學習皆有其不足之處,本研究者將兩者統整,形成一個以實際生活問題作爲教學起點,運用多元智能解決問題的教學系統,並將之應用於幼稚園之教學。本研究者所發展的「幼兒多元智能與問題本位整合模式」,分別敘明:本教學模式之理論與方法、原則與策略、特色、教學目標、及教學過程。本模式之教學過程分爲三個階段十四圖步驟:(1)設計階段,包含二個步驟;(2)學習階段,包含十二個步驟;(3)評鑑階段,包含二個步驗。本文另撰寫教學活動設計舉例,以常見的動植物爲學習主題,水生家族-七股潟湖之旅爲學習單元,設計幼稚園大班多元智能與問題本位整合模式之教學活動,以供幼稚園教師參考。


There have been three major approaches to understanding the nature of intelligences: the factorial approach, the information-processing approach, and the modular approach. Gardner conceptualized multiple intelligences as the the modular systems in an automobile. Based on the criteria he established, Gardner proposed eight distinct but interactive intelligences: (1) lingustic intelligence; (2) logical-mathmetical intelligence; (3) music intelligence; (4) spatial intelligence; (5) bodily-kinesthetic intelligence; (6) intrapersonal intelligence; (7) interpersonal intelligence; (8) naturalist intelligence. Gardner has pointed out that no intelligence functions in isolation, rather, they typically work interactively. The spatial intelligence required to be an airplane pilot is combined with logical-mathematical intelligence involved in understanding the physics of flight and linguistic intelligence for effectively communication verbally with pilots, air traffic controllers and passengers. Problem-based learning is a method characterized by using real-world problems as a context for students to acquire knowledge and solve the problems. This paper attemps to integrate multiple intelligences and problem-based learning into classroom teaching for kindergarten children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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