


Fathering and Parental Beliefs in Taiwan Hakka Families-With School-Aged Children




姜惠文(Hui-Wen Jiang);陳銀螢(Yin-Ying Chen)


客家 ; 父職 ; 教養信念 ; Hakka ; Fatherhing ; Parenting beliefs




5期(2008 / 12 / 01)


61 - 80




本研究從客家父親的角度,探究年輕一代客家父親如何在客家傳統精神及對客家文化認同下形塑其父親角色之認知,進而形成其教養信念。此研究以居住在新竹縣、夫妻皆爲客家人、家有學齡期兒童的年輕客家父親三人爲主要對象,研究方法以深入訪談爲主,從九十五年二月到六月,共進行了三十五次的訪談。 研究結果發現,父親角色認知方面,年輕一代客家父親在親子互動關係上有著與上一代顯著的改變,父親強調自己要學習和孩子的溝通、陪伴子女;傾聽和日常聊天被視爲比賺錢更重要;而且不再像上一代父親的含蓄與壓抑,面對子女的良好表現會給予熱切地口頭鼓勵。受訪父親對子女教養信念則包含了:對內要敬重父母、手足相親;對外則要重視禮貌做個守規矩的小孩。在客家精神於家庭教育中的保留與傳承上,「祭祀祖先」、「孝順」、「講究倫理、輩分」與「節儉」等都是被年輕一代客家父親認爲在教養子女中值得持續的重要文化價值。最後,研究者以「自我內心腳本」及「人際間腳本」的論點深入討論年輕一代客家父親的父職角色認知發展。


Hakka, moved to Taiwan for over than 250 years, just like other ethnic groups, still kept its own tradition and cultural heritage from past history and life style. This study aimed at examining how Hakka fathers of young generation developed concept of fathering in the context of Hakka tradition and how they interpret fatherhood in constructing their parenting beliefs. Three Hakka fathers with school-aged children were interviewed in this study. The results showed that when it comes to the role of father, these Hakka fathers still believed that the values of industrious and thrifty behaviors, ancestor worship, filial piety, and seniority and moral principles in family relationships, which stems from Hakka historical culture and living conditions, were worthy of passing on from generation to generation. However, there were also significant changes in the parenting styles of young generation Hakka fathers. They emphasized on communication with their children and family life, thinking that spending time with children and listening to their feelings were more important then making money.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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