


Family Education for Junior High Students in Grandparenting Families




邱珍琬(Chiu Jane)


隔代教養家庭 ; 家庭教育 ; 管教 ; grandparenting families ; family education ; discipline




8期(2010 / 06 / 01)


33 - 66




隔代教養家庭在台灣南部數目眾多,雖然隔代教養自農業時代就已經存在,但是其型態與原因與今日有諸多不同,許多是因為家庭結構變動的因素所造成(包括父母離異、失婚、工作、吸毒或是其他個人因素)。本研究是以台灣南部高高屏地區隔代教養家庭20戶的祖孫為研究對象,藉由半結構式深度訪談蒐集關於教養的相關資料。 研究結果發現:隔代教養家庭的祖輩肩負養育與教育的雙重責任,許多家戶由祖父母獨力擔任教養工作、父母這一代幾乎嚴重缺席,經濟、體力與教養能力是這些祖輩面臨的最大考驗,倘若加上家庭其他問題(如親子關係欠佳、身體健康問題、或父母一方不負責),更讓祖輩感受雪上加霜。祖輩對孫代的家庭教育著力在行為約束、交友限制、勸阻不良習慣等;祖輩都希望提供孫輩最好的教育與照顧,然而自己已步入黃昏之年,未來不可期、對於孫輩的發展與價值觀變化有時亦有力不能逮的無力與無助感。對於隔代教養家庭的家庭教育可以有哪些重點與努力方向也有著墨。


There are many grandparenting families in the southern part of Taiwan. This form of family has been existing since Agricultural Age. However, its patterns and causes are quite different from the old times. This study investigated 20 grandparenting families on parenting practice in Southern Taiwan and they were collected through grandparent-grandchild pair interviews. The results showed that the grandparents took caring and educating responsibilities on their own. The missing generation seldom involved in parenthood. Financial, physical and parenting capabilities were the most burdensome for them. The family education practicing in these families focused on behavior discipline, social restraint, and persuasion grandchildren out of ill habits. Grandparents would like to do their best to provide the optimal parenting for their grandchildren. However, due to aging and unpredictable future, their sense of helplessness was obvious. How to improve the situation and to provide these families accessible assistance were also included.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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