


A Study of Coping Strategies and Statistics Anxiety among Undergraduate and Graduate College Students in Education




郭國禎(Gwo-Jen Guo);駱芳美(Fang-Mei Law)


大學生 ; 統計焦慮 ; 壓力因應策略 ; College Student ; Statistical Anxiety ; Coping with stress




9期(2010 / 12 / 01)


61 - 106




本研究旨在探討教育與諮商相關系所學生克服學習統計壓力的因應策略與其統計焦慮之關係。共有399名教育相關系所的大學生參與本研究,男大學生是92人(23.1%),女大學生是307人(76.9%)。本研究以「壓力因應策略問卷」及「統計焦慮量表」爲研究工具,所蒐集之資料,分別以描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析及典型相關分析進行考驗。研究結果顯示: 一、男女大學生在面對統計學習的壓力時,所採用的壓力因應策略有顯著的差異。男大學生較女大學生常採用面對與計劃性解決問題的因應策略。 二、男女大學生的統計焦慮感有顯著的差異。女大學生在統計學習的焦慮反應、對統計考試的心理焦慮反應以及生理焦慮程度都顯著的比男大學生來得高,對學習統計的自信心亦比男大學生來得低。 三、大學生的壓力因應策略變項與統計焦慮變項之間的相關性,顯示在「相應不理的因應策略」與「考試焦慮及缺乏自信」、「矛盾性的因應策略」與「有自信卻又焦慮」及「積極性的因應策略」與「對統計學習沒有焦慮感」三組的相關中。 針對以上的研究發現,研究者提出數點建議,供未來統計教學與研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore ways students with education majors cope with stress when learning statistics and experiencing statistics anxiety. The participants were 399 students who voluntarily participated in the study from colleges of education at universities in central Taiwan. Regarding gender differences in ways of coping with stress, this study found that males used more facing and planful problem-solving than females. Regarding gender differences in levels of statistics anxiety, this study found that females reported higher levels of anxiety, both psychologically and physically, than males when learning statistics and taking statistics tests. Moreover, females reported lower levels of self-confidence when learning statistics. When testing the correction between coping strategies and statistics anxiety, the results have shown a significant correlation between ”using ignoring coping strategies” and ”high testing anxiety and low self-confidence in learning statistics.” That is, when students made less effort to face problems and make plans to deal with statistics anxiety, they tended to have higher levels of psychological testing anxiety and lower levels of self-confidence when learning statistics. The results also show that a significant correlation exists between ”using contradictory coping strategies” and ”experiencing high confidence and high anxiety”. That is, when students made a greater effort to face problems and made plans to handle negative attitudes in statistics anxiety, they tended to have higher levels of self-confidence, but also higher levels of psychological testing anxiety. Finally, the results of this study revealed a significant correlation between ”using positive ways of coping” and ”less anxiety in learning statistics.” That is, when students made greater efforts to avoid using hostile and negative ways of coping with stress in learning statistics, they tended to have lower levels of anxiety in learning statistics. Based on the findings from this study, the researchers make several suggestions for statistics instruction and further research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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