


A Study on the Current Condition and Capacities of Therapists for Intimate Partner Violence among Taiwanese College Students




王沂釗(Yi-Chao Wang);陳若璋(Roda Chen)


親密關係暴力 ; 危險評估 ; 安全計畫 ; intimate partner's violence ; risk assessment ; safety plan




10期(2011 / 06 / 01)


1 - 29






Therapists periodly counsel clients who are involved in intimate partner violence (IPV). The purpose of this study is to understand the nature and prevalence rate of IPV happened in campus, and to explore what therapists' perceptions about their capacities which are ability to accurately assess IPV, using violent risk assessment tools and safety plans to facilitate clients' safety for clients who involved in IPV. Sixty-nine administers and two hundred and sixteen therapists of university counseling centers fully filled-out questionnaires which constructed by researcher. Results found that IPV in campus is much serious than before and clients acquire help by safety-related counseling considerations; however, some situations and difficulties indicated that therapists need more advanced training for promoting to identify IPV, using assessments, acknowledgement about offenders and treatment. In addiction to the nature and situation about campus IPV, some therapeutic and ethical suggestions for professional training and supervision were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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