


The Correlation between Motivational Orientation and Romantic Attachment System with Dating Couples




孫頌賢(Sung-Hsien Sun);李宜玫(Yi-Mei Lee)


成人依戀 ; 約會伴侶 ; 愛情動機導向 ; dating couples ; motivational orientation ; romantic attachment




10期(2011 / 06 / 01)


95 - 110






This study would investigate the correlation between motivational orientation and romantic attachment system with dating couples and the predictive direction. The data was collected by testing individually and was measured by an interval of 12 weeks at two time points. There were 277 valid subjects (including 106 males and 171 females) who had completed the study at both two time points. The subjects were all university students in dating relationship. The research employed the cross-lagged panel analysis to understand the correlation between motivational orientation and romantic attachment system. The results showed that the more controlled orientation which individual felt in romantic relationship, the more likely the anxiety attachment dimension would be aroused. In addition, the more arousal of avoidance attachment dimension, the less autonomy orientation would be detected. Finally, we discussed the application of these findings to emotionally-focused couple therapy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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