


A Study of Self-Concept and Housework Participation for the Fifth




郎亞琴(Ya-Chin H. Lang);吳妙玲(Miao-Ling Wu)


自我概念 ; 家務參與 ; Self-Concept ; Housework Participation




12期(2012 / 06 / 01)


29 - 53






The purpose of this study was to understand the present condition of self-concept and housework participation among the elementary school students. The second was to explore the relationships between self-concept and housework participation. The third was to understand if housework participation could predict self-concept.This study used questionnaires investigation. By convinence sampling, the participants were 987 fifth and sixth graders of public elementary schools in the central area of Taiwan. The responses were 804, and the rate of responses was 81.5%. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analyses.Results indicated (a) that the current levels of self-concept and housework participation of high grade elementary students were in good conditions; (b) that students with different housework participation were significantly different in self-concept; (c) that relations between self-concept and housework participation were significant; and (d) that housework participation could predict self-concept. Pending confirmation by further study, some educational recommendations may be offered.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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