


The Study of Emotional Intelligence, Parents-child Interaction and Interaction between Peers for the Fifth and Sixth Graders-An Example of Taipei Area




羅品欣(Pin-Hsin Lo)


情緒智力 ; 親子互動關係 ; 同儕互動關係 ; Parents-children Interaction ; Emotional Quotient ; Peer Interaction




13期(2012 / 12 / 01)


25 - 55






The subjects of the research are 550 the fifth and sixth graders who came from Taipei area. The purposes of this study are: (1)explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and peer relationship among the schoolchildren, and then go on to understand the differences between the high score group and the low score group. (2)explore the relationship between parents-children interaction and peer relationship among the schoolchildren, and then go on to understand the differences among them of various kinds of parents-children interaction styles. We have found that: (1)In every dimension of the schoolchildren's emotional intelligence, ”How to get along with others”, ”How to express their own emotion”, ”How to respond to other people's emotion” are highly related with these peer interactions: ”cooperation/prosocial behaviors”, ”game/joint activities”, ”trust/respect” and ”closeness/attachment”. (2)In every dimension of parents-children interaction, ”father/children interaction”, ”father's psychology/children's psychology”, ”mother's psychology/children's psychology” are highly related with these peer interactions: ”cooperation/ prosocial behaviors”, ”game/joint activities”, ”trust/respect” and ”closeness/attachment”. (3)In every dimension of parents-children interaction, ”father/children interaction”, ”mother/children interaction” are highly related with these peer interactions: ”domination/order”, ”conflict/attack”, ”competition/jealousy” and ”hostility/defense”. (4)In the dimension of emotional intelligence, the development of positive interaction between peers for the schoolchildren who score high in emotional intelligence are superior to those who score low in emotional intelligence, while the schoolchildren who score low in emotional intelligence are more obvious in ”conflict/attack” than to those who score high in emotional intelligence. (5) the development of positive interaction between peers for the type of ”frequent-connection-and-mental-cohesiveness” schoolchildren is superior to that of ”infrequent-connection-and-mental-incohesiveness” schoolchildren, while the development of negative interaction between peers for the type of ”infrequent-connection-and-mental-incohesiveness” schoolchildren is more obvious than to the ”frequent-connection -and-mental-cohesiveness” schoolchildren.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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