


The Relations of Paternal Efficacy, Maternal Encouraging Behaviors on Father Involvement in Parenting for Fathers with Young Children in Dual-earner-families




郭美娟(Mei-Chuan Kuo);陳若琳(Re-Lin Chen)


父親的親職效能 ; 母親的教養鼓勵 ; 父職參與 ; 雙薪家庭 ; paternal efficacy ; maternal encouraging behaviors ; father involvement in parenting ; dual-earner families




13期(2012 / 12 / 01)


57 - 79






The research primarily focused on the relations among paternal efficacy, maternal encouraging behaviors, and father involvement in parenting for fathers with young children in dual-earner-families. Besides, the current study also explored the prediction of paternal efficacy, maternal encouraging behaviors on father involvement in parenting. Participants were the fathers in Taipei area who had a 2-6 year-old child at least in dual-earner families. The instruments included ”Paternal Self-Efficacy Scale”, ”Maternal Encouraging Behaviors Scale” and ”Father Involvement in Parenting Scale”. Five hundred and fifteen valid questionnaires were returned. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and multiple regression.The results were summarized as followed: first, paternal efficacy, maternal encouraging behaviors, and fathers' involvement in parenting tended to exhibit medium to high degrees. Then, fathers' working hours was negatively correlated with chores involvement and parenting involvement, but parental self-appraisal, parental ability of paternal efficacy and strengthening, connecting and inviting of the maternal encouraging behaviors were positively correlated with fathers' chores involvement and parenting involvement. Besides, fathers' working hours, parental self-appraisal, parental ability of paternal efficacy and strengthening and inviting of the maternal encouraging behaviors had significantly prediction on fathers' chores involvement, but parental self-appraisal, parental ability of paternal efficacy and inviting of the maternal encouraging behaviors had significantly prediction on fathers' parenting involvement.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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