


Construction of Job Satisfaction Scale for Elementary School Counselors and the Survey of Their Current Job atisfaction




陳淑慧(Shu-Hui Chen);陳慶福(Ching-Fu Chen)


工作滿意 ; 國小輔導人員 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; confirmatory factor analysis ; elementary school counselor ; job satisfaction




13期(2012 / 12 / 01)


81 - 114




The purpose of this study was to develop a tool to evaluate a job satisfaction of elementary school counselors and to investigate their current job satisfaction. A pretest was given to 170 elementary school counselors from nine counties and cities of middle and southern Taiwan and the posttest was 306 counselors in the same area. By means of parallel analysis, items with lower factor endurance were deleted and the test remained 8 items of ”counseling environment appropriateness”, 7 items of ”the cooperation of school systems”, and 5 items of ”sense of counseling professional competence” factors. Through principal components analysis, the scale explained the factor-structured variance of 70.29%. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the internal consistency was .93. The α coefficients of three subscales were .95, .92, and .84, which showed great validity of the scale. The stability coefficient of the scale's pretest and post test (separated for 3 weeks) (N = 51) was .82 (p < .01). By taking convergent validity test (N = 75), the scale appeared highly related to the job satisfaction scale for elementary school teachers (r = .89, p < .01). The results were as follows: 1. The overall degree of job satisfaction of the elementary school counselors was above medium. The main concern was ”the facility for counseling a school could offer”; the most satisfying item was ”the respect from school staff when making decisions.” 2. There was significant difference in job satisfaction among the elementary school counselors with different gender, administration position, and the size of the school.


The purpose of this study was to develop a tool to evaluate a job satisfaction of elementary school counselors and to investigate their current job satisfaction. A pretest was given to 170 elementary school counselors from nine counties and cities of middle and southern Taiwan and the posttest was 306 counselors in the same area. By means of parallel analysis, items with lower factor endurance were deleted and the test remained 8 items of ”counseling environment appropriateness”, 7 items of ”the cooperation of school systems”, and 5 items of ”sense of counseling professional competence” factors. Through principal components analysis, the scale explained the factor-structured variance of 70.29%. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the internal consistency was .93. The α coefficients of three subscales were .95, .92, and .84, which showed great validity of the scale. The stability coefficient of the scale's pretest and post test (separated for 3 weeks) (N = 51) was .82 (p < .01). By taking convergent validity test (N = 75), the scale appeared highly related to the job satisfaction scale for elementary school teachers (r = .89, p < .01). The results were as follows: 1. The overall degree of job satisfaction of the elementary school counselors was above medium. The main concern was ”the facility for counseling a school could offer”; the most satisfying item was ”the respect from school staff when making decisions.” 2. There was significant difference in job satisfaction among the elementary school counselors with different gender, administration position, and the size of the school.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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