


The Cultural Expectations on the Role Daughters-in-Law Play in Family Care


許皓宜(Hao-Yi Hsu)


家庭照顧者 ; 華人文化期待 ; 媳婦角色 ; Family Caregiver ; Chinese Cultural Expectation ; Roles of Daughters-in-law




14期(2013 / 06 / 01)


33 - 52






This study explores the expectations on the role ”daughters-in-law” play in their families when there are elder people who need to be taken care of, how they perceive these expectations, and how their perception further turns into actions when doing family care tasks. This study also discusses family members' cultural expectations on daughters-in-laws when they play the role of caregivers, positions of daughters-inlaws as home caregivers in their families, and influences of daughters-in-laws as home caregivers on parents-daughters-in-law relations. And 4 relationship structures of care tasks are summarized, including ”obligatory nursing relationship”, ”intimate caring relationship”, ”supportive helping relationship”, and ”power dependency relationship”. Among them, the true affection of ”intimate caring relationship” and ”supportive helping relationship” is over the due affection of them, while the due affection of ”obligatory nursing relationship” and ”power dependency relationship” is over the true affection of them. Lastly, this study comes up with 4 conclusions: (1) The traditional filial piety has been changing. And the value of it has changed with it. (2) The concept of ”caregiver alliance” has replaced ”main caregiver”. (3) For the difference between the demands of caregivers and those being cared, other family members rather keep neutral. (4) Expectations on family caregivers change with the structure of family relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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