


The Influences of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on Parenting of the Parents with Their Non-disabled Children in the Families with Disabled Children


黃玉瓊(Yu-Chiung Huang);王孟心(Mon-Hsin Wang)


親子遊戲治療 ; 身心障礙兒童之父母及手足 ; 行為 ; 情緒 ; 自我覺察 ; Child-Parent Relationship Therapy ; Filial Therapy ; parents and siblings of disabled children ; behavior ; emotion ; self-awareness




14期(2013 / 06 / 01)


53 - 82






The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on the parenting of parents with their non-disabled children in the families with disabled children, focusing on the parent's self-awareness related to their parenting and how they understand their non-disabled children's emotions and behavior. The participants of this research included five parents and their non-disabled children. Semi-structure interviews were conducted before and after the ten-week sessions for each parent, and content analysis was applied for analyzing the data. The results are shown as follows:1. Regarding to parents' self-awareness related to parenting, the results indicate that these parents have deeper self-awareness in four aspects including understanding the importance of self-care and its effects on parenting, understanding the impacts of their own emotions on their children, changes of parenting attitude, and the influence of the marital relationship on parenting.2. The results suggest that after attending the group, these parents perceived more positive emotions from their non-disabled children, such as happiness, content, and a sense of accomplishment while negative emotions, such as unfairness and angry has significantly reduced.3. Concerning these parents' understanding of the behavior of their non-disabled children, the results show that these parents perceived their children as having more self-confidence, self-initiations, higher ability to communicate themselves and more positive parent-child interaction after attending.In summary, the Child-Parent Relationship Therapy seems to increase these parents' self-awareness, promote the understanding of their non-disabled children's behavior and emotions, and enhance the child-parent relationship. Discussions based on the research results are included and specific suggestions are provided for future study and practitioners.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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