Parents play an irreplaceable role in their child's changing process. Through parental consultation, they can usually rectify problematic behavior of their child in an effective way. However, parents sometimes do not attend parental consultation meetings voluntarily. They may question the counselors about why they instead of their child are expected to make the change. The purpose of this study was to investigate the concerns and difficulties that counselors have faced in holding parental consultation meetings during administration of the play therapy to a child, and how they have managed to address parental concerns and obtain their cooperation. Using the narrative inquiry method, this study conducted in-depth interviews with four counselors providing the play therapy. Results showed that the primary concerns of counselors in holding parental consultation meetings during administration of the play therapy include ”collecting information about the child”, ”complying with the work environment”, ”using the therapy to take the place of psychological education”, and ”maintaining counseling effectiveness”. Difficulties they have encountered were classified into four themes, including ”suspicion play therapy effectiveness”, ”unreasonable expectation for the child”, ”lack of parental cooperation”, and ”expect amid complaints, and complain amid expectations”. The counselors' reactions to the above difficulties were ”explain”, ”reset”, ”witness”, and ”search” respectively. Finally, this study also discussed the results and proposed some suggestions.
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