


A Narrative Study on the Grief Experiences of a Male Adolescent who Endured a Parental Loss as a Child


林書如(Shu-Ru Lin);陳慶福(Ching-Fu Chen)


兒童期喪親 ; 青少年 ; 哀傷經驗 ; 敘說分析 ; parental loss as a child ; adolescent ; grief experience ; narrative analysis




17期(2014 / 12 / 01)


61 - 89






The aim of the present study is to explore the grief experience of one adolescent who lost his mother when he was a child. The method of study used a semi-structured interview and narrative analysis. The process of reconstruction makes the participant express the emotion of missing his mother, and building new relationships between important others. The primary researcher followed the method of narrative analysis to present the results. "The holistic-content" approach is used to present the grief story and categorize it into themes. Grief responses, funeral ceremonies and the ways the participant copes with the loss are analyzed by "the categorical-content" approach. The results are concluded from the following: a grief story situation, grief responses, the thinking and feeling about traditional funeral ceremonies in Taiwan and the process of grief adjustment. The results also show the richness of grief story, the extensiveness of grief responses, the meaning of funeral ceremonies and the diversity of grief adjustment. According to the findings, suggestions and guidelines for future research are proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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