


Narrative Self- Inquiry of Contradiction and Clarification on Academic Achievements among Parent-Child Relationship


張淑媚(Shumei, Chang)


自我敘說 ; 親子關係 ; 學業成績 ; academic achievement ; narrative inquiry ; parent - child relationship




22期(2020 / 06 / 01)


1 - 30






The paper is to narrate the process of educating my daughter by narrative inquiry. For a long time, I have regarded academic achievements as an improper mundane standpoint, leading to my resistance to others who judge one's value by scores. Thus, after being a college teacher and a mother, I put emphasis on the integral potential development of my students and my daughter. Till her ninth grade, an anxiety emerged. I was worried about her scores in school, whether she would advance to a higher school, and if she was able to compete with those in society in the future. Abruptly, scores became the biggest parent - child conflict between us. My transformation in the standpoint of academic achievements made me suspicious of my inconsistent attitude, which induced me to review my brought -up stories, exploring how the scores had a profound influence on my life. This retrospect helped me not only, from resistance to acknowledgement, find out the realistic significance of scores and define scores with new meaning, but look upon my daughter from a brand - new perspective, developing a better parent -child relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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