


A study on the transformation of life experience of a cerebral palsy father


陳嬌芳(Chiao-Fang, Chen)


腦性麻痺 ; 腦性麻痺患者父親 ; 轉化學習 ; Cerebral palsy ; transformation learning




23期(2020 / 12 / 01)


39 - 67






This study aims to explore the experience of cerebral palsy father's life experience transformation learning. The main method of collecting data with in-depth interviews, In addition, The father has two articles that express emotions and thoughts, and also included research materials. This study enters the research field from the perspective of narrative research philosophy and uses the "category-content" analysis as a method. Based on the results of the study, five life experiences of major transformational learning were discovered: (1) Angel's child, transformed by God's grace; (2) Rehabilitation care and work, the multi-headed carriage is pulling, and the husband and wife work together to transform; (3) Sibling care is affected, and the satisfaction of love is relieved; (4) The economic burden is heavy, and the training is hard to prepare; (5) Perseverance ~ Endless life. Based on the results, suggestions are made for cerebral palsy families and related professionals.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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