


A Study of the Family Caregivers' Transformation Process For Middle-aged Crisis


張菀珍(Wan-Jen Chang);林昭青(Chao-Ching Lin)


中年危機 ; 家庭照顧者 ; 轉化歷程 ; family caregivers ; middle-aged crisis ; transformation process




24期(2021 / 12 / 01)


61 - 89






This research aims to explore the transformational experience of family caregivers encountering a mid-life crisis. The purpose of the research is two: (1) to explore the factors influencing family caregivers' mid-life crisis. (2) Analyze the experience of family caregivers who have gone through the middle-aged crisis transformation. Expect family caregivers to have more understanding and knowledge when facing the transformation from the middle-aged crisis. This research first reviews the literature of relevant research at home and abroad, and then uses the three stages of the middle-aged transformation process proposed by Stein: separation, transition, and reintegration as the data analysis context. The results of this study found the following two points: (1) When family caregivers face a year-round crisis, they will have psychological, physical, work, family problems, and social support and other internal and external factors. (2) The research objects go through three stages when they are transformed into middle-aged. The first stage to be separated is traditional patriarchy, brothers sharing support responsibilities, pressure from multiple roles, and self-identity. The response strategies adopted in the second stage of transition include problem orientation, flexible adjustment, psychological adjustment, learning growth, and social support. The third stage is the transformation of each interviewee's point of view, as the basis for the next action. The results of the study found that this transformation process is in line with Stein's three-stage theory of middle-age transformation. It also found that husbands and wives are concentric, support each other and self-soul adjustment, which is an important positive energy transformation force for family care and middle-age transformation. Finally, we put forward practical suggestions, hoping to help everyone consciously tide over the middle-aged crisis and welcome a healthy elderly life in body, mind, and soul.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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