


The development of a Parent-Child Relationship Quality Inventory: Practical application for parental assessment


曾秀雲(Hsiu-Yun Tseng);林惠雅(Huey-Ya Lin);蕭英玲(Ying-Ling Hsiao);林詩淳(Shih-Chun Lin)


父母評量 ; 我們的親子關係品質檢測 ; 實務應用 ; 親子關係品質 ; 親子關係品質檢測 ; our parent-child relationship quality inventory (ORQI) ; parent-child relationship quality ; parent-child relationship quality inventory ; parent's assessment ; practical application




25期(2022 / 12 / 01)


1 - 29






The main purpose of this study is to develop a parent-child relationship quality inventory for practical application. In the first stage, the researchers adopted a framework involving "positive and negative affectional expressions and parental and shared power orientations", and determined the conceptual aspects of parent-child relationship quality on the basis of this framework. The researchers then processed the conceptualization and operationalization for these conceptual aspects, and developed a pre-test questionnaire. An expert validity test was administered. In the second stage, 402 valid pre-test questionnaires were collected for the item analysis and principal axis factoring analysis. Parental perceptions of positive affectional expressions and shared power orientation were merged into one dimension named "caring and communication." In addition, parental perceptions of negative affectional expressions were divided into two dimensions: "hostility and helplessness" and "refusal and alienation." "Parental power orientation" constituted its own aspect as a dimension. According to the above results, the researchers selected 4 items from each factor to compile the formal questionnaire. In the third stage, 415 valid final questionnaires were collected. The findings showed that the composite reliability and convergent validity met the recommended criteria, as well as verified that "our parent-child relationship quality inventory" (ORQI) was constructed with acceptable reliability and validity. Finally, the researchers determined the cutting point for each dimension, and 5 types of the quality of parent-child relationship were distinguished: "excellent parent-child relationship", "good parent-child relationship", "troublesome parent-child relationship", "distressed parent-child relationship" and "dysfunctional parent-child relationship". Overall, the ORQI can be used by parents to examine the quality of, and identify problems in different dimensions of, the parent-child relationship. The ORQI results provide reference for psychological counseling practitioners to understand the current parent-child relationship problems, and help them provide parents with corresponding resources and services in order to improve their parent-child relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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